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《灵界经历》 第2452节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2452

2452. that they want to be rewarded for it, whatever their motive. So I was prompted to emphasize that the devil never intends anything else than to destroy everything of faith, and that the Lord bends all things toward good. Simply because good comes of it, they cannot be rewarded; and simply because devils try people severely in spiritual temptations and people are nevertheless regenerated thereby, the devils cannot receive a reward for that reason. So the good that people do with an evil purpose is not theirs. And further I was given to say that if they should do it from a good motive, they would not be rewarded because they deserve it, but from mercy, because the Lord performed it through them and disposed them to be such. So [they are rewarded] from Mercy for the sake of His Glory. 1748, 30 June.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2452

2452. Wherefore it was granted to confirm that devils never intend anything else than to destroy what belongs to faith, and the Lord bends all things to good, [and] because good [arises] from this source [inde] they cannot be rewarded; also that devils tempt man grievously in spiritual temptations. Nevertheless man is hence regenerated; these therefore cannot receive reward; so those who from an evil end do good [the reward] does not belong to them: and it was further given to say that if they should do [good] from a good end, they are not rewarded therefore from merit, but from mercy, because the Lord operates it through them, and has disposed them so as they can be such, thus from mercy, on account of his glory. - 1748, June 30.

Experientiae Spirituales 2452 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2452. [vide 2451]

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