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《灵界经历》 第2455节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2455

2455. Inward things, that is, things of the earthly mind, are not in agreement with outward and bodily things

There was a spirit speaking with me to whom I was inspired to say that as to the body, I can be or seem to be as he is, but as to inward parts of me not so. This made him wonder how outward things may be without inward ones, because he thought that inward things did not exist. For those who are corporeal do not even go so far as to think that besides bodily and the accompanying sensual things, there are inward ones. To convince him I was prompted to say that he knows people in the world are different in body or outwardly than they are in thought.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2455


There was a certain spirit who spoke with me, to whom it was given to say, that I could be, or seem to be, as regards the body, like to him, but not so as respects interiors; whereat he marveled how there can be exteriors apart from interiors, because he did not suppose interiors are given; for those who are corporeal, do not indeed think that far, as that beside corporeals and their sensuals interiors are given. To convince him, it was given to tell him that he may know men in the world are different in the body or externals from what they are in thought.

Experientiae Spirituales 2455 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2455. Quod interiora seu [quae] mentis naturalis dissideant ab exterioribus et corporeis

Erat quidam spiritus, qui mecum loquens, cui dicere dabatur, quod corpore possim esse, seu videri esse sicut is, sed quoad interiora mei non ita, quod is miratus, quomodo exteriora sint absque interioribus, quia putabat non dari interiora, qui enim corporei sunt, non quidem eo usque cogitant, quod praeter corporea, et ejus {a} sensualia dentur interiora; ad eum convincendum, dicere ei dabatur, quod id sciat, quod homines in mundo aliter sunt corpore, seu in externis,

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