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《灵界经历》 第2460节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2460

2460. Evil has no life in it

I spoke with spirits who supposed they had life beyond others because they were able to do evil, which they thought on several earlier occasions. But I told them almost every time that they are nothing, also that perhaps there was no life in evil, comparing it with inanimate objects, which injure by their weight when dropped; and today [I compared them] with brute animals, which are also able to bring on evil.

When again they supposed that evil had life, I was inspired to ask whether they believe that there is Light within darkness. They said there was not. Then I was prompted to say, in spiritual matters light portrays life, and darkness death, and that life is truth and goodness, and death is evil. If this is so, can they say death has life in it? They said it does not.

The conclusion therefore was that evil has no life in it. On hearing all this and seeing inwardly by a spiritual mental image, they grew silent and were able to say nothing, because it is the truth. 1748, 30 June.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2460


I spoke with spirits who supposed that they had life more than [prae] others because they were able to do evil - which thing they thought several times before; but I have told them nearly as often that they are nothing, as also perhaps, that there is no life [in evil] comparing it with inanimate [substances] which injure by [their] weight when let go and [as] at present [is the case] with brutes, which also can inflict evil. When again they supposed evil had life, it was granted to say to them, whether they believe that there is sight [lux] in darkness, they said No. Then it was given to say, the light in spirituals represents life, and the darkness, death; and that life is truth and goodness, and death is evil. Since this is so, can they say that life is in death. When they heard and perceived these things by a spiritual idea they were speechless, and could say nothing, because it is the truth. - 1748, June 30.

Experientiae Spirituales 2460 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2460. Quod malo nihil vitae insit

Loquutus sum cum spiritibus, qui putabant quod vitam haberent prae aliis, quia malum facere poterant, quod aliquoties prius putabant, sed iis fere toties dixi, quod nihil sint, tum forte quod nihil vitae insit, comparando id cum inanimatis, quae laedunt pondere, dum iis remittitur, et hodie cum brutis, quae quoque malum inferre possunt: cum iterum putabant quod vitam haberet malum, dabatur iis dicere, an credant quod tenebris insit Lux, dicebant non; tum dabatur dicere, in spiritualibus lux repraesentat vitam, et tenebrae mortem, et quod vita sit veritas et bonitas, et mors sit malum, cum ita sit, an dicere possint quod morti insit vita, dicebant non, ergo conclusum est, quod malo nihil vitae insit, quibus auditis, et idea spirituali perceptis, obmutescebant, et ihil dicere poterant, quia veritas. 1748, 30 Junius.

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