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《灵界经历》 第2462节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2462

2462. About the very inward and the innermost parts of the Word

As for the very inward and the innermost parts of the Word of the Lord, these cannot as easily be laid open to human eyes as the inward parts, because they are ineffable and of such a nature that no understanding grasps them. And if they were to be uttered, they could hardly appear as coherent as the things in the inward meaning, because the connection is also incomprehensible and ineffable, not unlike the inward parts of the human body, which, exposed to an untrained eye do not at all appear so put together as to constitute a human being, when yet if so much as one thing were lacking, a person could not live as to the body. So there is such a connection between them, although it is not understood except by experts, that one thing regards the other in a series and order that is highly harmonious, even though it does not appear so. But the inward parts of the Word are those which can be grasped because they can be seen from earthly things and in earthly things, if the Lord enlightens the understanding. These words are from angels. 1748, 30 June.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2462


As respects the more interior and inmost things of the Word of the Lord, these cannot be displayed before human eyes, like as interiors may, because they are ineffable, and such as no understanding may comprehend, and if they were told, could scarcely have appeared so connected as those things that are in the interior sense, because [their] nexus is also incomprehensible and ineffable; not otherwise than is the case with the interiors of the human body, which, displayed to unskillful eyes, by no means appear to be connected that they may constitute a man, when yet if even one were deficient, man could not live in the body; wherefore there is such a nexus amongst them as cannot, however, be comprehended save by the skillful, so that one respects another in a series and order which is supremely harmonious, although it does not appear so. But the interiors of the Word are the things which may be comprehended, because they can be seen from and in naturals when the Lord illuminates the understanding. These things from the angels. - 1748, June 30.

Experientiae Spirituales 2462 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2462. De intimioribus et intimis Verbi

Quod ad intimiora et intima Verbi Domini attinet, illa non ita exponi possunt coram oculis humanis, ut interiora, quia ineffabilia sunt, et talia ut nullus intellectus comprehendat, sique dicerentur, vix potuissent apparere ita connexa, ut ea quae in sensu interiori, quia nexus quoque incomprehensibilis et ineffabilis, non secus ac interiora corporis humani, quae oculis non gnaris exposita 1

nequaquam apparent ita connexa, ut constituant hominem, cum tamen si vel unum deficeret, non posset homo vivere corpore, quare inter ea est nexus talis, tametsi non comprehenditur nisi gnaris, ut unum spectet alterum in serie et in ordine, qui 2

est summe harmonicus, tametsi non ita apparet. At vero interiora Verbi sunt ea quae comprehendi possunt, quia ex naturalibus et in naturalibus ea videri possunt, Domino illuminante intellectum; haec ab angelis. 1748, 30 Junius.


1. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has expositis

2. The Manuscript has ordine; qui

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