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《灵界经历》 第2464节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2464

2464. By experience: a human on earth, and a spirit, or an angel, bring about nothing of themselves, yet they think they do things on their own

So that I would know that I bring about nothing on my own, I was shown by experience that in whatever I did the ability of choosing was slipped in at the same time. This ability was slipped in and the consequent reflection that caused spirits to suppose that I could have done differently, which they did not want. (It was [the choice between] a broken piece of almond bread, or the whole of it.) I was prompted to say that I could not do otherwise, even though it seemed due to the ability to choose that I could have done differently.

About this there was a conversation with spirits who still thought I could have done otherwise, but they were also shown that they themselves were unable to speak differently, and it was easy to say they could have, but I was allowed to tell them they could not. I saw that they were being influenced.

So by one experience, and yet another, it was corroborated that one cannot make the slightest little movement of the body from oneself, nor can a spirit either.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2464


In order that I might know that I effected nothing from myself it was shown by experience, that in whatever I did there was at the same time insinuated in me a faculty of choice. This faculty was insinuated, and hence [came] the reflection that spirits supposed I could have done something else; for they were not willing [for me to do a certain thing]. (It was about breaking an almond kernel and leaping.) It was granted to say that I could not [act] otherwise, though from the faculty of choice, it seemed that I could have [done] otherwise. I discoursed concerning this with spirits, who still supposed that I could have [done] otherwise; but it was also shown them that they could not have spoken otherwise, and that was it easy to say otherwise; but it was given to say that I could not. I perceived that they were led: thus, from one experience after another, it is still confirmed that man cannot make the least little motion of the body, from himself; neither, likewise, can spirits.

Experientiae Spirituales 2464 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2464. Experientia, quod homo et spiritus, angelus, nihil ex se efficiat, sed quod putet ex se facere

Ut scirem quod nihil ex me efficerem, per experientiam ostensum est, quod in eo quod facerem, mihi simul insinuabatur facultas eligendi, insinuata haec facultas erat, et reflexio inde, quod putarent spiritus quod potuissem facere aliud, nam nolebant {a} (erat fractio panis amygdali, et saltus 1

); dicere dabatur, quod non potui aliter, tametsi ex facultate electionis videbatur, quod potuissem aliter; de hoc sermo cum spiritibus, qui putabant usque quod potuisse 2

aliter, sed ostensum etiam est iis, quod [ipsi] non aliter potuissent loqui, et quod facile esset aliter dicere, sed dicere dabatur quod non potuere; percipiebam quod ducerentur, ita experientia una et altera, adhuc, confirmatum, quod ne minimam corporis motiunculam possit homo facere, ex se, sicut nec spiritus.


1. in J.F.I. Tafel's edition saltus

2. sic manuscript; vide indicem hujus editionis sub capite "Idiosyncrasies"

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