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《灵界经历》 第2477节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2477

2477. About the inscrutability of very inward and innermost things

Because there is nothing in the universe that is not a portrayal of the kingdom of the Lord, we are able to be taught by everything that comes before our eyes, even about the fact that very inward and innermost things are unfathomable. Specifically, [we can learn this] just from the development of the human body in the womb, also from the progressive formation then of everything in the tender little body, namely that only several members become active and many remain without any function, such as the lungs, the stomach, the intestines, the kidneys, and many others, as well as muscles and organs of sensation. Yet the development is such that they are looking to the phases ahead, and are meanwhile growing toward their uses. So for many months all, down to the very least parts, are looking to the uses that follow, then others come up to be of service that in the meantime have been fitted to their functions, such, for example, as the oval foramen, etc.

This is a portrayal of innermost and very inward things, or of the Lord [working] through innermost and very inward things, for which reason they are inscrutable, namely what use these organs will perform in the successive chain of time and space, which nevertheless contain within themselves the series of things to follow, even up to the ultimate moment [of birth]. And so it goes on in the subsequent stage that what is to follow is constantly looked to. 1748, 1 July.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2477


Inasmuch as there is nothing in the universe but what is a representation of the Lord's kingdom, we can therefore be instructed by those things that are before the eyes concerning this, also, that more interior and inmost things are inscrutable, to wit, merely from the formation of the human body in the womb, from the progress of the formation, and of those things that are then in a delicate little body, to wit, that only some of the members flourish, and many are without any function, as [for instance] the lungs, stomach, intestines, kidneys, and many other things; then, also, the muscles and organs of sensation; and yet such is the formation, that they respect subsequents, so that meanwhile they grow to their uses; thus, through many months each and all things respect the uses that follow, and then other things succeed, which minister, meantime fitted to their functions, as [for instance] the oval foramen, etc. This is a representation of inmost and more interior things, or of the Lord by inmost and more interior things, wherefore they are inscrutable, to wit: [as to] what use these shall contribute in the successive series of time and space. They, nevertheless, contain in themselves the series of subsequents till the last time; so on, in the subsequent age, there is respect perpetually to what follows. - 1748, July 1.

Experientiae Spirituales 2477 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2477. De imperscrutabilitate intimiorum et intimorum 1

Quia nihil non in universo est repraesentatio regni Domini, ita erudiri possumus ab iis, quae coram oculis sunt, etiam de eo, quod intimiora et intima sint imperscrutabilia, nempe solum a corporis humani formatione in utero, a progressione formationis, et eorum quae tunc in tenello corpusculo, nempe quod solum aliqua membra vigeant, et plura absque ulla functione sunt, sicut pulmones, ventriculus, intestina, renes, et alia multa, tunc quoque musculi, et organa sensationis, et tamen talis est formatio, ut spectent sequentia, ut interea crescant, in suos usus, sic per plures menses, spectant omnia et singula usus qui sequuntur, et tunc alia subeunt, quae ministrant, interea aptata ad functiones suas, sicut quoque foramen ovale etc. etc. 2

: haec est repraesentatio intimorum et intimiorum, seu Domini per intima et intimiora, quare imperscrutabilia, nempe quem usum in serie successiva temporis et spatii praestatura haec, quae tamen in se continent seriem sequentium, usque ad ultimum tempus; ita porro in sequenti aetate, spectatur quod sequitur jugi. 1748, 1 Julius.


1. The Manuscript has intimiorum

2. interlineale supra aptata ...suas

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