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《灵界经历》 第2480节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2480

2480. Any truths whatever that are not purely sensorial and visible to the eyes are at once rejected by the learned

It is quite clear to me that no truth whatever, not even a truth of nature, can come to light without being at once rejected, and this most of all by the learned of the world, and without falsities being gladly embraced in place of truths. And this is still more the case with spiritual and heavenly truths, as I have been allowed to learn by much experience. For the spirits who are around people on earth are such that as soon as any truth comes forth, even if they do not know that it is a truth, nevertheless feel repugnance and immediately resist it, this being due to their natural character, which is opposed to truth.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2480


It is plain enough to me that no truth, not even a natural one, can ever come forth into light but is straightway rejected, and as far as possible [quam maxime] by the learned of the world, and in place thereof are willingly received falses, and still more [are rejected] spiritual and celestial truths; which it was given to know from much experience, for the spirits who are around man are of such a sort that as soon as any truth comes forth, although they do not know that it is a truth, still feel aversion, and immediately resist it, and this from their natural disposition, which is contrary to truth.

Experientiae Spirituales 2480 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2480. Quod veritates quaecunque sunt, quae non pure sensuales et oculares sunt, illico rejiciantur a doctis

Satis mihi manifestum est, quod nulla usquam veritas, ne quidem naturalis, in lucem prodire possit, quin illico rejiciatur, et quam maxime a doctis mundi, et loco eorum lubenter recipiantur falsa; et adhuc magis veritates spirituales et coelestes, quod scire datum est a multa experientia, nam spiritus, qui circum hominem sunt, tales sunt, ut ut primum aliqua veritas prodit, quamvis non sciunt, quod veritas sit, usque repugnantiam sentiunt, et illico ei repugnant, et hoc ex naturali eorum indole, quae contraria est

(2481.) veritati, nam tales sunt spiritus mali, ut quicquid boni et veri est, illico ex insito, repugnant, rejiciunt, inter falsitates rejiciunt, et lubenter acceptant falsa, quia ea iis maximopere arrident, quia conveniunt et conformant se, 1748, 1 Julius; comparare 1

eorum repugnantiam datum est cum olfactis, nam sphaeram contrariam veritatibus format eorum indoles, quare illico dum veritas ad eam sphaeram appellit, est quasi quoddam iniquum quod olfactum ferit; quod ii quoque nunc audiunt, et non possunt [non] 2

agnoscere, quia iis quandoque dictum est, quod talem sphaeram formant, quia sensibilis facta 3

mihi, ita a pura experientia haec dicta sunt. 1748, 1 Julius.


1. The Manuscript has Julius comparare

2. sic in J.F.I. Tafel's edition

3. The Manuscript has faccta

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