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《灵界经历》 第2479节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2479

2479. If I were to state that one tiniest fiber, which is extremely fine and not even visible to the eyes, as it were knows the condition of the whole body, it may appear incredible to anyone, but still it is true. Otherwise the very least elements could not work together toward the preservation of the general state. 1748, 1 July. (For myself for the sake of understanding: otherwise it would not be possible, from the tiniest little organ of life, which is in the seed, for a body to be propagated so accurately in the ovum, from the ovum in the womb, and so on, so it follows that there is within the very tiniest parts in the human body something that contains in beginning stages such a wonderful series of things to follow.) These words were written in front of spirits and angels, and they are not saying a thing. 1748, 1 July.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2479

2479. If I should say that one least little fiber that is most subtle, and not ever patent to the eyes, knows, as it were, the state of the universal body, it appears incredible to anyone, but still it is true; otherwise, the most singular things [singularissima] could not conspire to the preservation of the common state. 1748, July 1. - (In my opinion [pro me] intellect is the cause [thereof]; otherwise, there could not be so accurately propagated from the least little organ of life, which [organ] is of the seed, a body in ovo, from the ovum in the womb, and so forth; wherefore, it follows that such a [principle] is in the most singular least things in the human body, which contains a series of subsequents so wonderful in principles.) These things [are] written before spirits and angels, and they do not say anything. - 1748, July 1.

Experientiae Spirituales 2479 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2479. Si dixerim, quod una minima fibrilla, quae subtilissima est, nec oculis usquam patet, quasi sciat universi corporis statum, incredibile nulli non apparet, sed usque verum, aliter 1

non possent singularissima conspirare ad status communis conservationem. 1748, 1 Julius. (Pro me, intellectus causa: aliter non posset a minimo vitae organulo, quod est seminis, propagari tam accurate corpus in ovo, ex ovo in utero, et sic porro, quare tale inesse sequitur singularissimis 2

minimis in corpore humano, quod 3

seriem consequentium tam mirabilem in principiis, continet); haec 4

scripta coram spiritibus et angelis, nec quicquam dicunt. 1748, 1 Julius.


1. The Manuscript has causa; aliter

2. The Manuscript has singularissimis

3. The Manuscript has humano; quod

4. The Manuscript has continet: haec

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