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《灵界经历》 第2486节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2486

2486. It is evils in act and made one's own that torment a person in the other life

Every human being is born into all evil, and thus inclines toward every evil, due to the evil of heredity acquired in succession by parents even from the first, but while this evil does condemn everyone to hell, and this to eternity, yet by the mercy of the Lord they are freed from hell, because the evil is not their own. Such is the case with little children who had not reached adulthood.

But those who do evil after that age, when the faculty of thinking and judging has also matured, draw forth an evil out of that ocean of evils that is inborn with them, and make it theirs by actual practice, and thus acquire it. In this way they develop their own natural character agreeing with the evils acquired from the hereditary store and at the same time from their own added to it-those are the evils that torment them in the other life. 1748, 2 July.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2486


Every man is born into all evil, so that he inclines to every evil, from the evil of inheritance successively acquired from parents, even from the first; but this evil also condemns everyone to hell and to eternity; but out of the Lord's mercy they are liberated from hell, because it is not their proper evil, as is the case with infants, and those who have not come to the age of youth. But [there are those] who afterwards, when also the faculty of thinking and judging is matured, do evil. These draw evil from that ocean of evils which is connate with them, and make it their own, and acquire it by exercise; thus, form their natural disposition, according to evils acquired from hereditary things, and at the same time their proper evils added [thereto]. These are the evils which in the other life torment them. - 1748, July 2.

Experientiae Spirituales 2486 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2486. Quod actualia et propria mala hominis sunt, quae eum in altera vita cruciant

Unusquisque homo, nascitur in omne malum, sic ut inclinet ad malum quodcunque ex malo haereditatis successive acquisito a parentibus usque a primis, sed hoc malum quidem damnat unumquemque ad infernum, et in aeternum, sed ex misericordia Domini, liberantur ab inferno, quia non est malum eorum proprium, sicut infantes, qui ad aetatem juvenilem non pervenerunt; sed qui postea, cum adolevit quoque facultas cogitandi, judicandique, malum faciunt, ii ex oceano isto malorum, qui connascitur iis, depromunt malum, et id per exercitia sibi faciunt, et acquirunt, ita formant indolem suam naturalem secundum mala acquisita ex haereditariis, et simul ex adjectis propriis, haec mala sunt quae in altera vita cruciant eos. 1748, 2 Julius.

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