2487. The innermost and very inward parts of a person cannot be harmed, but only the inward ones
Since the first human being up until now the Lord has preserved the very inward human parts so they would not be corrupted. This He has done by means of the innermost parts, because these are such that they cannot be corrupted. But their inward parts, on the other hand, have been corrupted.
This can be grasped in a spiritual mental image by means of forms, by those who are able to understand what very inward and innermost forms are like. They are such that they can be attached to anything whatever that can possibly exist in the world, can be twisted toward all things, but still conspire from the individual points as centers toward the state of integrity. For while they can most easily be attached to evil and distorted things in the inward parts, yet from their ability to return to their state of integrity, which the Lord preserves and constantly restores, they are not harmed.
The Lord has preserved from the first man, thus far, the more interior things of man, so that they may not be perverted, because the inmost things are such that [the more interior things] cannot be perverted; thus [it arises] through inmost. But his interiors are perverted. This may be conceived, by spiritual idea, from forms, by those who can conceive, of what quality are more interior and inmost forms. They are such as to be applicable to whatever can be given or is possible in the world; they may be twisted [terqueri] to all things, but yet conspire from single points, as centers to a state of integrity; for they can be, as it were, very easily applied to those things that are evil and distorted in interiors, from the faculty of resuming their integral state, which the Lord preserves and perpetually renews.
2487. Quod intima et intimiora hominis non laedi queant, sed modo interiora ejus
Dominus conservavit a primo homine huc usque intimiora hominis, ut ea non perversa sint, quia intima talia sunt, ut non possint perverti, sic per intima; at vero interiora ejus perversa sunt, quod idea spirituali ex formis concipi potest ab iis, qui concipere possint 1
, quales formae intimiores et intimae: tales sunt, ut ad quodcunque in mundo dabile et possibile, applicabiles sint, possint torqueri ad omnia, sed usque conspirant ex singularibus punctis ut centris ad statum integritatis, nam sicut {a} facillime possunt applicari, iis quae mala sunt, et distorta in interioribus, [usque] ex facultate redeundi in statum suum integrum, quem Dominus conservat, et jugiter instaurat, non laeduntur;
(2488.) aliter formae interiorum, eae distortae sunt ex malo haereditario, sic ut status eorum sit malum, ad quod conspirant omnia et singula, et quod distortum ex nativitate hac, hoc nequaquam restaurari potest, sed modo reduci in nihilum, sic ut sopiatur sicut somno, seu sicut morte, et sic videtur quasi applicet se, cum tamen non est applicatio ejus, quia ad malum, quod est status ejus conspirat a singulis punctis, et centris, ideo solum est mortificatio ejus, et sopitio, ut intimiora, quae sunt Domini, operari queant. 1748, 2 Julius.
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