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《灵界经历》 第2492节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2492

2492. About a certain kind of snake

There are kinds and species of those who are snakes, or who had been deceitful in the life of the body and in the other life are called snakes. Their being called snakes comes from the fact that before the eyes of the angels they appear as snakes. For when angels examine them, they seem to turn into snakes before the eyes of spirits. This was clearly shown to me earlier, so that I thought they had been turned entirely into a mass of serpentine forms. They then not only appear as such to spirits, but also to themselves. For angels see their inward qualities, and then their deceits appear just like reptiles to the eyes of spirits, to whom they are such creatures because snakes have venom, which in nature depicts deceits.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2492

2492. CONCERNING A CERTAIN KIND OF SERPENT. [De genere serpentis cujusdam.]

There are genera and species of those who are serpents, or who in the life of the body were crafty, and in the other life are called serpents. That they are called serpents comes from this, that before the eyes of angels they appear like serpents; for when the angels inspect them, they are, as it were, turned into serpents before the eyes of spirits, which was plainly shown me previously, so that I supposed them to be wholly turned into knots of serpent forms; then do they not only appear so to spirits, but also to themselves, for the angels see their interiors, and then [their] frauds, wiles, appear before the eyes of spirits like reptiles, to whom they are such, because in serpents is poison, by which in nature is represented wiles [cunning].

Experientiae Spirituales 2492 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2492. De genere serpentis cujusdam

Sunt genera et species eorum, qui serpentes sunt, seu qui in vita corporis dolosi fuerant, et in altera vita vocantur serpentes; quod serpentes vocentur, ideo venit, quod coram oculis angelorum appareant sicut serpentes, cum enim angeli eos inspiciunt, coram oculis spirituum quasi vertuntur in serpentes, quod manifeste mihi ostensum prius, sic ut putaverim eos prorsus in serpentiformes globos versos esse, tunc non solum apparent sic spiritibus, sed etiam sibi, nam angeli interiora eorum vident, et tunc doli apparent oculis spirituum, sicut reptilia, quibus talia sunt, quia serpentibus sunt venena, per quae in natura repraesentantur doli.

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