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《灵界经历》 第2493节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2493

2493. The same thing happens with other animals of this kind that appear to spirits and are portrayed by them in human sleep. For they are desires and feelings that are thus portrayed in the world of spirits when angels are speaking among themselves about such things. 1For the angels' conversations thus fall into symbolic forms in the world of spirits, but in keeping with the natural character (or the shapes) of those spirits who are below them, or into whom they fall, who suppose they do this on their own; so in other cases.


1. This half of paragraph 2493 is emphasized marginally by the notation obs. obs., meaning "observe well."

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2493

2493. It happens similarly with animals of another genus, which appear to spirits, and are represented by them in human sleep, for there are cupidities and affections which are thus represented in the world of spirits, when angels speak together about the like, for the speech [loquelae] of angels falls thus into representative forms in the world of spirits, but according to the natural dispositions [or forms] of those spirits who are beneath them, or into whom they fall, who suppose they do so of themselves; so in other things. - [On margin, "Obs." twice.]

Experientiae Spirituales 2493 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2493. Similiter fit cum aliis [hujus] generis animalibus, quae spiritibus apparent, et quae repraesentantur ab iis in somnis humanis, sunt enim cupiditates, et affectiones, quae repraesentantur ita in mundo spirituum, quando angeli inter se loquuntur de similibus, nam angelorum loquelae ita cadunt in formas repraesentativas in mundo spirituum, sed secundum naturales indoles (seu formas) eorum spirituum qui infra eos sunt, seu in quos cadunt, qui putant ex se id facere; ita in reliquis.

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