2494. There were certain spirits, or there was a certain society of spirits that had been with me for several days, if not a week or two, whose speech was not so manly, but as if it had womanly and at the same time childlike speech mixed into it. At the start I assumed from the speech that they were good spirits, but when I noticed their tricks, I realized that they were thoroughly deceitful, for they were studying whatever cunning trick they could devise and immediately put into effect.
2494. A certain spirit, or a certain society of spirits, was with me for some days, if not a week or two [sic non unam alteramve septimanam], whose speech was not so virile [manly] but mingled therewith, as it were womanly and at the same infantile speech. At first I supposed from the speech that they were good spirits; but when I apprehended their cunning, I knew that they were exceedingly crafty, for they studied whatever cunning they could to devise it, and immediately effect in [by] act.
2494. Quidam spiritus, seu quaedam spirituum societas penes me per aliquot dies, si non unam alteramve septimanam fuerunt, quorum loquela non ita virilis, sed quasi immixta ei loquela quasi muliebris, et simul infantilis, principio a loquela putabam, quod boni spiritus essent, sed cum apperciperem dolos eorum, cognovi quod perquam dolosi essent, nam quicquid doli machinari potuerint, et illico actu efficere, studebant.