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《灵界经历》 第250节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 250

250. When I say "of use," I mean for those who study scientific matters with the attitude that they cannot believe anything without them; besides its use in schools, where nothing but such material is propounded and taught by philosophers, even by those who are committed to the priestly office. It is also of use because this kind of knowledge is a challenge to youth, promoting their ambitions. An additional use is that by its means, spiritual things let down from heaven are not so readily distorted, so as to blind their minds and lead them unconsciously into a wavering belief or no belief.

Because the world today is considered to be scholarly and does not want to believe anything but what it understands, therefore with people of this character, what is spiritual can scarcely function effectively unless the existing false and lying basis is either completely broken up and perishes, or is converted into a basis consisting of natural truths.

What these people will be like after death, those of them who possess some discrimination can conclude from the fact that life after death is a continuation of the life of the body, and that distortions of this kind, which are falsities in spiritual matters and concealments [of truth], when specific and individual memories pass away [after death], overlay [the mind] with a sort of crust, and thus virtually corrupt the core, or character [see 245]. So they cannot but become most stupid, and thus the wiser they were in the body, the more stupid [they become] (in fact, more stupid than those who had not learned anything whatever of the sciences), because of having imposed the sciences upon the exploration of spiritual matters. 1747, 14 November (old calendar).

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 250

250. I say, "use", but with reference to those who study knowledges in such a way that they are unwilling to believe anything without them. There is also their use in the schools where nothing but such matter; are set forth and taught by philosophers, even by those who are to perform the office of the priesthood. Then, because similar subjects belong to the exercises of youth, since they favor their desires, there is in addition the use that in this way spiritual things sent down from heaven are not thus perverted, and do not blind men's minds and insensibly lead them to doubt, and thus to infidelity. Because the world is such at this day that it is reputed learned, and is willing to believe nothing but what it can understand, therefore, with those who are of such a nature, the spiritual can scarcely operate unless that false and mendacious plane is either entirely dispersed and perishes, or else is turned into a plane of natural verities. What such persons will be like after death, those of them who possess any judgment can conclude from the fact that the life after death is the continuation of the life of the body, and that there are similar things, as falsities in spiritual things and blindness, which induce as it were a crust when the special and particular things of the memory perish, and thus as it were pervert the kernel, or the nature. Hence they cannot but become most stupid: and the wiser they thus are in the body, so much the more stupid do they become; indeed, they become more stupid than those who had learned nothing whatever of the sciences, inasmuch as they have applied the sciences to the investigation of spiritual things. 1747, Nov. 14, o.s.

Experientiae Spirituales 250 (original Latin 1748-1764)

250. Usum dico, sed apud eos, qui scientificis ita student, ut absque iis nihil credere velint, praeter usum in scholis, ubi nihil nisi similia traduntur et docentur a philosophis, etiam ab iis qui sacerdotii munere functuri sunt, tum quia similia sunt juventutis palaestrae, quia favent eorum cupiditatibus, praeter usum, quod sic spiritualia demissa de coelo, non ita pervertantur, occoecentque 1

mentes, et perducant eas insensibiliter ad dubiam seu nullam fidem; talis quia mundus hodie est, ut audiat eruditus, et nihil nisi quod intelligere possit, velit credere, ideo, apud similes vix operari potest, spirituale, nisi planum istud falsum et mendax vel discutiatur prorsus et pereat, vel ut in planum veritatum naturalium vertatur; quales ii post mortem futuri, iidem, qui aliquo judicio pollent, concludere possunt ex eo, quod vita post mortem sit continuatio vitae corporis, et quod similia, quae falsitates sunt in spiritualibus et occoecationes, quasi 2

crustam inducant, cum res speciales et particulares memoriae pereant, et sic pervertant quasi nucleum seu indolem, inde non possunt non stupidissimi fieri, et quo plus sapientes ita in corpore, eo stupidiores, imo stupidiores iis, qui nihil usquam didicerant ex scientiis, nempe quod scientias applicuerint ad indagationem spiritualium. 1747, 14 Nov. st. v.


1. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has occoecantque

2. The Manuscript has occoecationes quasi

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