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《灵界经历》 第2511节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2511

2511. I further said that nothing exists in the vegetable kingdom that was not formed for a use, thus from use, and in fact a multiple one, namely, for the nourishment of animals and of the human race, thus for their complete nourishment, so that nothing is lacking. And when I kept my mind fixed on seeing the use, that the things [of that kingdom] were created to be of use to animals and to mankind (it is obvious to anyone from common experience who has an animal what they do for nourishment, what for scent, what for medicine, and a whole series of uses when the matter comes under survey),

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2511

2511. Besides which there is nothing given in the vegetable kingdom but is formed to [for] use, and indeed a manifold [use] thus [is formed] from use; to wit, for the nourishment of animals and the human race, therefore to the nourishment of all things thereof, and indeed so that nothing may be lacking. And when I held my mind in the consideration of use, to wit, that [things] are created for use to animals and man, as may be apparent from much experience to everyone who has an animal; [and when I considered] what is available for nourishment, for odor, and for medicine, and when the whole series of uses came under my contemplation.

Experientiae Spirituales 2511 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2511. Praeterea quod in regno vegetabili nihil detur quod non formatum sit ad usum, et quidem multiplicem, sic ab usu, nempe ad nutritionem animalium et generis humani, sic ad omnem eorum nutritionem, et quidem ita ut nihil deficiat, cumque mentem tenerem in videndo usum, scilicet quod [haec] creata sint in usum pro animalibus et homine, ut constare potest cuivis ex multa experientia, cui animal--quid 1

praestet in nutritione, quid in odore, quid in medicina, et tota series usuum dum sub contemplationem venit--

(2512.) tunc 2

in idea spirituali, quae eadem est ac angelica, videre mihi dabatur, quod uuui nihil materiale inesse possit, cum tamen usus formaverit ea, quia secundum usum omnia et singula, cumque usui quasi formanti, nihil materiale inest, ex idea spirituali constitit, quod Divinum sit, quod formaverit, et quod absurdum sit cogitare, quod naturale, nam naturale a materiali non distingui potest: sicut calor, humor, ros, pluvia, quae naturalia sunt, at vero de usu nihil tale concipi potest. 1748, 3 Julius.


1. The Manuscript has animalis (sic!), quid

2. The Manuscript has venit, tunc

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