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《灵界经历》 第2516节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2516

2516. It was granted me to add that in this Kingdom, which is eternal, there are nothing but joys and happiness, and these are not due to presumed dignity or being privileged above others, but due to mutual love. What else, I asked, do they seek in the world through dignities and wealth, but to obtain joys and, as they suppose, to be happy? In the kingdom of the Lord, that which they are seeking by those means they obtain without them, because those means destroy happiness and take away from others their joys. So by those means they cannot be given the joys they want from their passion for dignity and preeminence. 1748, 4 July.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2516

2516. It was given to add that in this kingdom, which is eternal, there is nothing but joy's and felicities, and indeed not [arising] from assumed and prerogative dignity above others, but from mutual love. I said [dicendo] what is sought in the world, by dignities and wealth, but to attain joys and to think they are happy. In the kingdom of the Lord they obtain without such things what in the world they desire [to obtain] through such, because such things destroy felicities [and] take from others their joy's; thus by these things joy's cannot be given to them, which they desire, from the cupidity of dignity and pre-eminence. - 1748, July 4.

Experientiae Spirituales 2516 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2516. Addere dabatur, quod in hoc Regno, quod aeternum est, nihil nisi gaudia sint, et felicitates, et quidem non ex praesumpta dignitate, et praerogativa prae aliis, sed ex amore mutuo, dicendo, quid quaeritur in mundo per dignitates et opes, quam ut gaudia aucupent, et ut putant 1

, felices sint? in 2

regno Domini, [id] quod cupiunt in mundo per talia, obtinent sine talibus, quia talia destruunt felicitates, quia tollunt aliis eorum gaudia, sic ab iis non dari possunt iis gaudia, quae ex cupiditate dignitatis et praeeminentiae, cupiunt. 1748, 4 Julius.


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