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《灵界经历》 第2518节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2518

2518. Indeed it is obvious what fantasy it is to want to come into heaven, or from arrogance to create a society over which one presides as the uppermost to whom the others are subordinated. Such a fantasy in the other life has no other effect than to destroy one's happiness, for no such subordination exists. It is the Lord Alone Who should be adored. All happiness originates from the mutual love of one toward another, as can be clear enough to everyone, for to put one's happiness in falsity and in the opposite [of mutual love] is to destroy one's joy.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2518

2518. Yea, it may be apparent what the phantasy is to wish [to come] into heaven, or from pride to form to one's self a society, over which he presides as chief, and that others are subordinate to him. Such a phantasy effects nothing else in the other life but to destroy all his felicity; for no such subordination is given; the Lord alone is He who is to be adored: from mutual love of one toward another flows all [their] felicity, which may be sufficiently manifest to everyone; for they place happiness in falsity and a contrary principle; thus [such a one] destroys his joy.

Experientiae Spirituales 2518 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2518. Imo constare potest, quid phantasia sit velle in coelum, seu ex superbia, sibi formare societatem, cui praeest sicut summus, et quod alii ei subordinati sint {a}, talis phantasia in altera vita nihil aliud efficit, quam quod destruat omnem ejus felicitatem, nam nulla datur talis subordinatio, Dominus Solus est qui adorandus, ex amore mutuo unius erga alterum, fluit omnis felicitas, quod satis cuivis manifestum esse potest, nam ponere 1

in falsitate et in contrario felicitatem, sic destruit ejus gaudium.


1. in J.F.I. Tafel's edition ponunt

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