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《灵界经历》 第2520节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2520

2520. That it is mutual love wherein all happiness lies, and that heaven consists in mutual love and in everyone regarding themselves as nothing, besides other properties of love, is evident from everything in nature, from the atmospheric divisions, from the parts and internal organs in the human body, where not one exists that does not have something beneficial from the whole, because it contributes to the whole. So there is a confluence of the happiness of all into those who are not devoted to self but to the whole, and who have faith, while the opposite comes to those who are devoted to themselves and wish others, even the much more worthy, to exist for their sake. 1748, 4 July.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2520

2520. That it is mutual love wherein [is] all felicity, and that heaven consists in mutual love and everyone regarding himself as nothing; besides other things which belong to love may be evident from those things that [are] in nature, from atmospheric parts, from the parts and viscera in the human body, where there is nothing given that does not possess something of health from the general [principle] because it contributes to the general [principle]; thus there is a confluence of the felicity of all into them who do not strive for themselves, but for the general [good] in faith, and the contrary [happens] to those who strive for themselves, and wish that they maybe instead of themselves in the place of others who are much worthier. - 1748, July 4.

Experientiae Spirituales 2520 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2520. Quod amor mutuus sit, in quo omnis felicitas, et quod coelum consistat in amore mutuo, et unusquisque se respiciat ut nihil, et praeterea alia quae amoris sunt, constare potest ex iis quae in natura, ex atmosphaericis partibus, ex partibus et visceribus in corpore humano, ubi nullum datur quod non a communi aliquid salutis habet, quia ad commune confert, sic omnium felicitatis confluxus est in eos, qui non sibi student, sed communi, in fide, et contrarium iis qui sibi student, et volunt ut alii sint pro se, tametsi multo digniores. 1748, 4 Julius.

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