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《灵界经历》 第2521节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2521

2521. About certain companies of prophets in the Old Testament

There were companies of prophets, both among the Jews and Israelites and with the gentiles, who made a display of ridiculous gestures, as we read here and there in the Word [1 Sam. 10:10-11, 19:20-24, 1 Kings 18:25-8, and elsewhere]. Of these, the ones in Judea and the region of the Israelites preached both true and false things. Assuming the cause of this from the most obvious explanation, there seems to have been that spirit of prophecy with the people because they were engrossed in externals and were nothing less than insane in regard to worship. Their souls after death sometimes seem to be attached to prophets of this kind, so that they could continue the life of the body and the same insanity, and be brought back from their fantasies. For the life of the body continues alike at first after death. This seems to be the most obvious reason, and should be recorded among the things spirits spoke of with me. 1748, 4 July.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2521


There were companies of prophets both amongst the Jews and Israelites, and amongst the Gentiles, who prided themselves on ridiculous gestures, as is here and there read in the Word, who in Judea and the country of the Israelites predicted true as well as false things. If I might assume the reason [thereof] from a neighboring [spirit] there seems to have been such a prophetic spirit with the people because they [were] in externals and only insane as to worship. Their souls after death sometimes seem to be applied to prophets of this sort, in order that they may continue the life of the body and be similarly insane, so that they may be brought back from their phantasies, for the life of the body continued to be similar at first after death. This appears the proximate reason [cause], and to be referred to those things which spirits have spoken with me. - 1748, July 4.

Experientiae Spirituales 2521 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2521. De quibusdam prophetarum catervis in veteri testamento

Erant catervae prophetarum tam apud Judaeos et Israelitas, quam etiam apud gentes, qui ridiculis gestibus se ostentabant, sicut passim in Verbo legitur [I Sam. X: 10-11, XIX: 20-24, I Reg. XVIII: 25-28 et alibi], quorum qui in Judaea et in Israelitarum regione, tam vera quam falsa praedicabant; si causa ex proximo assumeretur, videtur fuisse talis spiritus propheticus apud populum, quia in externis, nec nisi quoad cultum insaniebant; eorum animae post mortem, ejusmodi prophetis quandoque videntur applicatae, ut continuarent vitam corporis, et similiter insanirent, ut a phantasiis suis reducerentur, nam vita corporis continuatur similis primum post mortem, haec apparet causa proxima, et inter ea, quae loquuti spiritus mecum, referenda. 1748, 4 Julius.

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