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《灵界经历》 第253节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 253

253. Spirits also, like people on earth, acquire many habits reflexively

Besides other experiences, it has also been observed that evil spirits, who are ever intent upon doing evil to us, also acquire the habit of bringing evil upon people unwittingly. For example, whenever they hear a carriage, or the sound of a carriage, then unconsciously, as if unaware of it, they attempt to force me toward the carriage - among other things also that stream suddenly into their minds, solely from habit; but it is needless to recount the experiences.

(Today also, and previously, I found out that the dragon was learning deceptions that he had not practiced before, and was therefore severely punished, lest they add to his [evil] nature.) 1


1. This postscript was probably written at the end of August, 1748, about which see 2967-68.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 253


In addition to other experiences, it was also observed that evil spirits, who continually intend evil to man, are also imbued from usage to bring evil upon man unexpectedly. Thus, as often as they hear a carriage or the sound of a carriage, then, unexpectedly, as if not aware of it, they try to force me towards the carriage, besides other examples also, which suddenly inflow into their mind from usage alone. To recount these experiences is superfluous.

Today, and before also, I learnt that the dragon was becoming accustomed to deceits which he had not formerly practiced, on which account he was grievously punished, lest those things should be added to his nature. 1


1. This paragraph was written in the vacant space between nos. 253 and 254. The word hodie (today) suggests that it was added when Swedenborg was making the Index, at the end of August 1748. It is entered there (s.v. Natura) as follows:

"That certain evil spirits learn evils which afterwards they do as it were from their nature, and so they can render their nature worse."

Experientiae Spirituales 253 (original Latin 1748-1764)

253. Quod etiam spiritus per reflexionem imbuantur ex usu multis sicut homo

Praeter alias experientias, etiam observatum est, quod spiritus mali, qui jugiter malum homini intendunt, etiam imbuantur ex usu, malum inopinato inferre homini, sicut quod quoties currum aut sonitum currus audiunt, tunc inopinato, quasi id non sentientes, me versus currum agere tentant, praeter alia quoque, quae in eorum mentem subito influunt solum ex usu, experientias allegare supervacuum est; (hodie quoque et prius didici quod draco assuesceret 1

dolis, quos prius non fecerit, quare punitus graviter, ne adderent ea ad naturam suam.) 2


1. in J.F.I. Tafel's edition assuefieret

2. hoc postscriptum fortasse ad finem Augusti 1748 (vide 2967-2968); the Manuscript has ad finem, suam.

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