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《灵界经历》 第254节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 254

254. To one human thought, thousands, in fact a myriad, of spirits and angels contribute, all of whom God the Messiah arranges in order and governs

This cannot but appear as a paradox to a person on earth, who supposes that a thought is a simple unit, and not formed from tens of thousands of components. But even though it can be demonstrated by very many things in nature - [as] that to one action, thousands in fact myriads of muscles, as well as of the tiniest fibres all the way from the brain to the action, contribute, or, that throughout nature, myriads of rays contribute to the formation of one single object, as also to the propagation of growing things - still it appears as a paradox that something similar applies to a person's thoughts, and feelings, because the operation and influence of spirits and angels upon human minds has not been attested by experience.

But from experience, through the mercy of God the Messiah, I am able to say that thousands of spirits and angels contribute, even though only a few are very close by. I am unable to explain the experiences, but can only say that this fact has been shown to me on several occasions, by sight and also by sense. I have even perceived their operations, somewhat obscurely, but so tangibly that I can affirm the matter with certainty. I perceived them both by sensation and from the murmur, in different ways and at different times, but their situations and states vary, according to the good pleasure of God the Messiah. And this will not be strange to any educated person if he only rightly compares the things in nature with those which must be in the heavens. 1747, the 19th day of November (old calendar).

Like [the experience when] one spoke, and there was shown a bright cloud round about, so that I might see how much flowed in, also [how much] from his speech.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 254


This cannot but appear as a paradox to the man who supposes that a thought is simply one single thing, and not composed of myriads of things which form it. But it can be demonstrated from very many things in nature, as that for a single action thousands, yea, myriads of muscles and fibers and even the least fibers concur, from the brain even to the action itself. Similarly in all of nature, myriads of rays concur to the formation of one object; so likewise with plants, for their propagation. But that the like takes place in the case of man's thoughts and affections appears as a paradox, because the operation and influx of spirits and angels into human minds has not been confirmed by experience; but by the mercy of God Messiah, I can say from experience that thousands of spirits and angels concur in the production of a thought, although only some of them are near the man. I cannot set forth these experiences, save this only, that it has sometimes been shown to me visibly and sensibly as well. I have also perceived the operations obscurely, yet so distinctly to the apprehension that I am able to affirm it with certainty. I have perceived them in several ways and with alternations, both by sense and by a murmuring; but their situations and states were varied at the good-pleasure of God Messiah. Nor would this be wonderful to any learned person if he but rightly compare those things which are in nature, with those which must be in the heavens. 1747, Nov. 19, o.s. Like the spirit who spoke, and there was shown a bright cloud round about, in order that I might see to what extent he inflowed; also from the speech, etc.

Experientiae Spirituales 254 (original Latin 1748-1764)

254. Quod ad unam cogitationem humanam concurrant millia imo myrias spirituum, et angelorum, quos omnes disponit et dirigit Deus Messias

Hoc ut paradoxon non potest non apparere homini, qui putat quod cogitatio sit simpliciter una, nec composita a myriadibus, quae eam formant, sed praeter quod a perplurimis in natura demonstrari queat, quod ad unam actionem concurrant millia imo myriades musculorum, et fibrarum etiam minimarum a cerebro usque ad actionem similiter in universa natura ad 1

unum objectum formandum myriades radiorum, ita in vegetatis ad propagationem eorum; sed quod simile fiat in cogitationibus hominis. ejusque affectionibus, id 2

, ut paradoxon apparet, quia spirituum et angelorum operatio ac influxus in mentes humanas per experientiam non confirmata est, sed ab experientia, per Dei Messiae misericordiam, dicere possum, quod millia spirituum et angelorum concurrant, tametsi aliqui solum proximi sunt; experientias exponere 3

non possum, sed id solum, quod id mihi ad oculum, tum ad sensum, aliquoties ostensum est; percepi etiam operationes, etiam obscure sed ad captum ita distincte, ut id affirmare queam pro certo, percepi et sensu, et ex murmure, aliquibus modis, et vicibus, sed situs et status eorum variantur ex beneplacito Dei Messiae; nec hoc mirum esse alicui docto poterit, si modo rite comparet ea quae in natura sunt, cum Iis, quae esse debent in coelis, 1747, die 19 Nov. st. v. sicut is qui loquutus et ostensus 4

candidus nimbus circum, ut viderem quantum influxit, et ex loquela etiam. 5



1. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has a

2. inclarum manuscript

3. The Manuscript has exponeponere

4. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has ostensa

5. in J.F.I. Tafel's edition etc.

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