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《灵界经历》 第2546节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2546

2546. It is similar with matters in the spiritual world, especially those pertaining to faith. These must not be doubted, much less rejected, because we do not understand the causes and because they are not according to the way things appear, when yet they are truths because the Lord, Who is Himself the Truth, has said them - as that it is the Lord Alone Who lives, that other lives on earth and in heaven, are nothing, and very many statements of this kind. These too are contrary to the appearance, as I have quite often been prompted to tell spirits, yet they are still true and should therefore not be denied just because we do not understand, and because we seem to ourselves to live on our own. 1748, 6 July.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2546

2546. (It is similar with matters in the spiritual world, especially those things that belong to faith, concerning which there should be no doubt, still less rejection, because we do not apprehend the causes, and because they are not according to appearance when yet they are truths, inasmuch as the Lord, the Truth itself, has said it; as that the Lord alone lives, that the remaining lives in earth and in heaven are nothing, and very many things of this sort. These also are contrary to appearance, as it has often been given to tell spirits, but still are true, and therefore not to be denied, because we do not understand, and because we seem to ourselves to live from ourselves. - 1748, July 6.)

Experientiae Spirituales 2545 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2546. Similiter se res habent in mundo spirituali, cumprimis quae fidei sunt, de quibus non dubitandum, minus rejiciendum, quia non capimus causas, et quia non sunt secundum apparentiam, cum tamen veritates sunt, quia Dominus, Ipse Veritas, dixit, sicut quod Dominus sit Solus qui vivit, quod caeterae vitae, in terris et in coelis, nihili sint, et perplura ejuscemodi; haec quoque contraria sunt apparentiae, sicut saepius spiritibus dicere datum est, sed usque vera, et ideo non neganda, quia non intelligimus, et quia videmur nobis vivere ex nobis. 1748, 6 Julius.

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