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《灵界经历》 第2547节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2547

2547. Souls in the other life are at first more or less wandering in regard to their place

Those are called souls who have not yet been assigned a place in the greatest body. They are sometimes wandering, for some time being below to the right, for some of the time below to the left, at times above the head, quite high up toward various quarters, sometimes also near the head. Thus they are those who have not yet been assigned a place in the greatest body, because they are in a changing state. For there are bodily elements adhering to them that are being aroused. Consequently, they are raised up higher and toward different quarters - for which reason I called them the "still wandering ones" - but are afterwards allotted a place, where they remain, albeit still undergoing change that lasts rather long, depending on the status of their reformation. 1748, 6 July.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2547


(Those are called souls who have not yet attained a place in that Grand Man [Maximo Corpore]. They are sometimes wanderers: for some time they are below to the right, for some time below to the left; sometimes above the head, in various regions higher up; sometimes also near the head. Thus they are those who have not obtained a situation in the Grand Man [Maximo Corpore], because they are in a state of change; for there are corporeals which adhere, which are excited; hence they are carried higher up and to different regions; wherefore I called them those who wander still, but afterwards they obtain a situation, where they remain, till at length [comes] a change requiring a longer time, according to the state of their reformation. - 1748, July 6.)

Experientiae Spirituales 2547 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2547. Quod animae in altera vita, primum sint quasi errantes, quoad situm

Animae vocantur ii, qui nondum locum sortiti sunt in maximo corpore, sunt quandoque errantes, aliquo tempore sunt infra, ad dextrum, aliquo tempore infra ad sinistrum, aliquoties supra caput, altius ad varias plagas, quandoque etiam prope caput, ita sunt ii qui nondum situm in corpore maximo sortiti sunt, quia in statu mutationis sunt, sunt enim corporea, quae adhaerescunt, quae excitantur, inde evehuntur altius, et ad diversas plagas, quare vocabam eos "adhuc errantes 1

," at qui postea sortiuntur situm, ubi manent, usque tamen cum mutatione, quoad tempus diuturnius, secundum statum eorum reformationis. 1748, 6 Julius.


1. The Manuscript has erantes

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