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《灵界经历》 第2549节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2549

2549. The spirits said that they were not aware of having such faculties, even though when these things are told and portrayed to them, they acknowledge it. But the reason is that none reflect on their own abilities, with which they have been endowed, but because they are familiar to them, they do not regard them as more excellent than those possessed by others. And I was prompted to tell them that neither are the angels aware of having still more excellent and outstanding faculties, except when they are permitted to look down into the spirits beneath them, and thereby to see the difference. 1748, 6 July.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2549

2549. Spirits said that they do not know they possess such faculties, although when these things are said and represented to them they acknowledge them; but the reason is, because no one reflects upon his faculties wherewith endowed, but inasmuch as they are familiar to him do not suppose they are more excellent than those which others have; and it was given to tell them that the angels do not know that they possess still more excellent and eminent faculties, unless when allowed to look down into the spirits who are beneath, thence see the differences. - 1748, July 6.

Experientiae Spirituales 2549 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2549. Spiritus dicebant, quod non sciant se tales facultates habere, tametsi cum haec iis dicta et repraesentata sunt agnoscunt, sed causa est quia nullus reflectit super facultates suas, quibus donatus, sed quia ei familiares sunt, putant non esse excellentiores iis, quas habent alii: et dicere iis dabatur, quod angeli nec sciant, quod adhuc excellentiores, et eminentiores facultates habeant, nisi dum licet iis despicere in spiritus qui infra sunt, et inde videre discrimen. 1748, 6 Julius.

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