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《灵界经历》 第2550节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2550

2550. How symbolic displays in the world of spirits stream in from heaven

When several things occurred in my sleep that I do not so well remember, then birds also came in sight and were cooped up (i en bur, som war gammal och morcker 1). Enclosed in such a coop there was a bird, a dark one that was also evil, which I seemed not to want to have. Next to it were two beautiful, noble birds, which I preferred to have enclosed in that (bur).

And suddenly while I was engrossed in that mental image, spirits fell down, being cast down on me quite vehemently, shaking me and setting my bones and nerves atremble, as had happened sometimes before when all and the very least parts in me trembled throughout my whole body with strong sensations [1934]. Having awakened I felt this, and knew that spirits had fallen upon me very forcefully. I believed that they were now, as several times before, charging in with the intent to destroy me, striking everything in me with great commotion.


1. Swedish, meaning "in a cage that was old and dark."

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2550


When in sleep there happened [to me] some things which I do not remember (just as they happened) [ita]; then also came before my view birds which were enclosed; [i en bur som war gammal och morckar]; in such [bur] did a bird appear enclosed, which was also an evil one, and it seemed to me I did not wish to have it. There were along with it two beautiful and noble birds: these I rather desired to have enclosed in that [bur]; and immediately while I was in such an idea, spirits fell down and were cast upon me with considerable violence, and stirred me out of my place [me commovebant], and struck a trembling into my bones and nerves, as [I have] sometimes [experienced] previously; so that each and all the things in me began to tremble, with manifest sensations throughout the whole body. When I awoke I felt it, and knew that spirits had fallen with much force upon me, and imagined that now, like as several times before, they attacked and wished to destroy me by striking everything in me with great commotion.

Experientiae Spirituales 2550 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2550. De repraesentationibus in mundo spirituum, quomodo illa a coelo influunt

In somno cum obvenirent aliqua, quorum non ita memini, etiam in conspectum tunc veniebant aves, quae includerentur (i en bur, som war gammal och morcker {a}), in 1

tali inclusa apparebat avis, obscura, quae quoque mala erat, quam non habere velle mihi visum, juxta errnt binae aves pulchrae, nobiles, eas desiderabam potius in ea (bur) habere inclusas, et illico cum eram in idea tali, decidebant, et dejecti sunt in me spiritus, cum multa satis vehementia, et me commovebant 2

, et tremorem incutiebant ossibus et nervis, sicut quandoque prius, quod tremiscerent omnia et singula in me, cum manifestis sensationibus per totum corpus [1934]; expergefactus id sensi novi quod spiritus incidissent vi multa in me, opinatus, quod similiter nunc ac aliquoties prius, in me invaderent vellent perdere, percutiendo (2551.) omnia quae in me, cum multa commotione; quare loquutus cum iis, sicut quoque alioquin, ut scirem quidnam esset, qui dicebant, quod ii essent, qui in idea erant de avibus quod subito dejecti sint in me, opinantes, in dejectione ista, quod frangerent caput cervices, quod etiam mihi repraesentabatur, nihil aliud scientes, [quam] 3

quod prorsus perirent 4

, sicut homo dum ex alta domo decidit in terram; percepi quoque hoc ex tremore metus eorum, nam aliquamdiu post casum, tremebant magno metu, qui mecum communicatus erat; sic ut veritatem dictorum eorum inde agnoscerem.


1. The Manuscript has morcker, :in

2. In the Manuscript commeb in commevebant emendatum

3. sic in J.F.I. Tafel's edition

4. The Manuscript has perirerent

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