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《灵界经历》 第2552节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2552

2552. Seeking eagerly for the cause, I recalled to mind the dream about the birds, and I was given to learn that there was something in heaven - a certain conversation among those there about thoughts, which birds symbolize in the world of spirits - about which they had been talking. For such things cannot happen in the world of spirits except by the inflow of heaven, where birds are not at all being thought about, but meditations and thoughts. I was instructed by those who were in the inward world of spirits, who are communicators, that there had been a discussion in heaven in a certain society about the inflow of an earthly being's thoughts that penetrate even to heaven-whether from human thinking they flow into heaven. It would be contrary to order, however,

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2552

2552. When I inquired the cause, then was recalled into my memory the sleep [dream] concerning the birds, and it was given to know that it has been something in the heavens; that they have held some speech concerning thoughts, which are signified by birds in the world of spirits, concerning which there has been discourse, for such things cannot happen in the world of spirits save through influx from heaven, wherein there is no thinking of birds but of meditations and thoughts; and I was instructed by those who were in the interior world of spirits, who are communicators, that there has been discourse in heaven, in a certain society, concerning the influx of the man's thoughts which penetrate even into heaven, whether they inflow from man's thought into heaven, when yet this would be contrary to order.

Experientiae Spirituales 2552 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2552. Cum perquirerem causam, tunc in memoria revocabatur mihi somnium 1

, de avibus, et scire dabatur, quod aliquid in coelo fuerit, quaedam eorum loquela de cogitationibus, quas aves significant in mundo spirituum, de quibus sermo fuerit, nam talia accidere nequeunt in mundo spirituum, nisi per influxum a coelo, in quo nihil de avibus cogitatur, sed de meditationibus et cogitationibus, et instruebar ab iis qui in interiori spirituum mundo erant, qui communicatores 2

sunt, quod sermo in coelo in quadam societate fuerit, de influxu cogitationum hominis, quae penetrant usque in coelum, num ab hominis cogitatione influant in coelum, cum tamen hoc contra ordinem foret,

(2553.) quod cogitationes hominis influere possent in coelum angelorum, sed coelum in cogitationes, et quia apparuerat iis quandoque quod cogitationes meae quasi influxerint in coelum, ideo quidem ex apparentia concludentes, quod tale existat, ideo quia in falsitate erant, non potuerunt esse in societate angelorum, sed ex societate sua, quasi ejecti 2

, (non ab angelis sed a semet, talis est dejectio eorum, falsitas se dejicit ipsam, nam nullus angelus alterum ejicit); cum 3

itaque ita ejecti sunt, ob falsitatem influxus cogitationum hominis, inde spiritus correspondentes, quibus eadem repraesentata sunt ut aves, decidebant tali vi et violentia, ut viderentur sibi cervices et crania fracturi.


1. The Manuscript has somnus (cf. autem indicem ad Avis, Coelum, Repraesentatio, et Somnium)

2. imperfectum in the Manuscript

3. The Manuscript has ejicit: cum

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