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《灵界经历》 第2553节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2553

2553. for human thoughts to flow into the heaven of angels, for heaven [flows] into [human] thoughts. And because it had appeared to them sometimes that my thoughts so to speak flowed into heaven, therefore some of them, concluding from the appearance that such a thing happens, because they embraced this falsity could not be in the society of angels, but were as it were cast out of their society (not by angels, but by themselves, for their being cast down is just that: the falsity casts itself down, for no angel casts another out). Therefore, when they have been thus cast out on account of falsity about the inflow of human thoughts, then the interacting spirits, to whom these matters are portrayed as birds, fell down with such force and violence that it seemed to them their necks and skulls would break.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2553

2553. That the thoughts of man should be able to inflow into the heaven of angels, but [that] heaven [inflows] into [man's] thoughts, and because it had appeared to them sometimes that my thoughts inflowed, as it were, into heaven; therefore certain [spirits] concluded from the appearance that such a thing exists; consequently, as they were in a falsity, they could not be in the society of angels, but were rejected, as it were, from their society (not by angels, but by themselves; such is their casting down; falsity casts itself down, for no angel casts out another). Since, therefore, they were so ejected on account of the falsity of the influx of man's thoughts, hence the corresponding spirits to whom the same things are represented in the shape of birds fell down with such force and violence that they seemed to themselves [as if] they should break [their] necks and heads.

Experientiae Spirituales 2553 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2553. [vide 2552]

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