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《灵界经历》 第2554节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2554

2554. Afterwards I was inspired to speak a little about the apparent inflow of my thoughts into heaven, saying that it is not an inflow from the person on earth into heaven, for what is on a lower level, and so gross, can never penetrate to an inward level, consequently to things prior, even though it may so appear. But the reason for this appearance is that the Lord causes something to flow from heaven into the thoughts, and it is only an appearance that it flows from my thoughts into heaven.

But since the cause cannot be evident except by spiritual mental imagery, therefore they were shown somewhat by this means how things stand in regard to causes. But this was a matter of fact, and the truth, that the Lord flows into human thoughts and is therefore present in the lower as in the higher regions, and when He pleases, flows through heaven into the thoughts. In both cases it can appear as if the thoughts of a person on earth were flowing in. But it is entirely contrary to order and to all sound reason that the lower can flow into the higher, or the outward into the inward, or speaking like the philosophers, the posterior into the prior or the grosser into the purer. 1748, 7 July.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2554

2554. Afterwards it was given me to speak somewhat about the apparent influx of my thoughts into heaven, that there is no influx from man into heaven, for that which is in an inferior degree and of such grossness can by no means penetrate an interior degree, therefore into prior things, although it appears so; but that the cause of such appearance is, that the Lord causes that there may be influx from heaven into [my] thoughts, and that it is only an appearance that there is an influx from my thoughts into heaven. But because the cause [reason] cannot be displayed save by spiritual ideas, it was therefore shown them in a few [words] how it is in causes; but this was the fact, and the truth that the Lord inflows into human thoughts and thus is present in inferior as in superior things; and when it pleases Him [can inflow] through heaven into thoughts; and that in either case it can appear as if the thoughts of man inflowed. That it is wholly contrary to order and all reason that the inferior can inflow into the superior, or the exterior into the interior, or, as the philosophers say, the posterior into the prior, or the posterior into the purer. - 1748, July 7.

Experientiae Spirituales 2554 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2554. Postea aliquid loqui mihi dabatur de influxu apparente cogitationum mearum in coelum, quod non sit influxus ab homine in coelum, nam quod in gradu inferiori est, et tam crassum, nequaquam potest penetrare in gradum interiorem, proinde in priora, tametsi ita appareat; sed quod causa apparentiae talis sit, quod Dominus id efficiat, ut influat a coelo in cogitationes, et modo sit apparentia quod a cogitationibus meis in coelum; sed quia non sisti potest causa nisi per ideas spirituales, quomodo se res habet in causis, ideo paucis modo iis ostensum; sed hoc erat res facti, et veritas, quod Dominus influat [Solus] {a} in cogitationes humanas 1

, et sic in inferioribus praesens sicut in superioribus, et dum beneplacet Ipsi per coelum in cogitationes, et quod in utroque contingente, apparere possit, quasi cogitationes hominis influerent, quod prorsus est contra ordinem, et omnem rationem, quod inferius influere possit in superius, seu exterius in interius, aut sicut loquuntur philosophi, posterius in prius, aut crassius in purius. 1748, 7 Julius.


1. The Manuscript has humanes (sic!),

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