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《灵界经历》 第2565节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2565

2565. In the inward realm of the world of spirits, insanity prevails

There is in the world of spirits, as you may see mentioned earlier [2532], an inward realm where there is a multitude of spirits whose speech was for a long time unintelligible to me, but it is now beginning somewhat to open up. It is in that realm that human intentions or human motives reign, which during the life of their body hardly come into manifest thought, but in the other life later constitute their speech. So they lie inside of the earthly human's conscious thoughts.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2565


See [what has been] previously [mentioned] that there is an interior sphere of the world of spirits where [there is] a multitude of spirits. Their speech has been long unintelligible to me, but now begins to be somewhat plain. It is in that sphere where the intentions of men or their ends reign, and is also the speech in the other life of those who in the life of their body scarcely come into manifest thought, so that [such] are within the manifest thought of man.

Experientiae Spirituales 2565 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2565. Quod in interiori sphaera mundi spirituum, regnet insania

Quod interior sphaera mundi spirituum sit, prius videas [2532], ubi multitudo spirituum, quorum loquela non intelligibilis mihi diu fuit, sed nunc aliquantum patere incipit, est in ea sphaera, ubi intentiones hominum, seu eorum fines regnant, qui quoque in vita corporis eorum, vix in cogitationem manifestam veniunt, [ibi] in altera vita est postea eorum loquela, sic ut intra cogitationes hominis manifestas sint.

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