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《灵界经历》 第2532节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2532

2532. From all this it is evident how unhappy those become after death who are deceitful and prone to deceptions, for it is deceits that occupy this inward realm. They are entirely cast away from the realm of inward spirits and so from the world of spirits, and are kept elsewhere. They are tormented for a much longer time with longer lasting pains and tortures, and there finally remains of them very little. For it takes a long time of torture for the deceits to be rooted out that had entered into and made up their earthly character. Until these are purged, the inward person cannot operate, as there are intermediate elements between the inward person and the outward, and before the intermediates become fitting, no working through their inward person can take place.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2532

2532. Hence it may be manifest how unhappy do these become after death who are crafty and accustomed to cunning [deceits], for deceits are what occupy this interior sphere, for these are entirely projected from the sphere of interior spirits, therefore from the world of spirits, and are reserved elsewhere. These are much longer tormented with pains and more prolonged torments, and at length much loss [of their deceit] remains: for before deceits are extirpated, which have entered their natural disposition, and composed [it], there is a long time [attended] with torment: for before these things are vastated the interior man is unable to operate: for there are intermediates between the interior and exterior man, and before the intermediates are fitted there can take place no operation through their interiors.

Experientiae Spirituales 2532 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2532. Exinde constare potest, quam infelices fiunt ii post mortem, qui dolosi sunt, et dolis assuefacti, nam doli sunt qui interiorem hanc sphaeram occupant, nam ii projiciuntur prorsus a sphaera spirituum interiorum, sic a mundo spirituum, et reservantur alibi; ii multo diutius cum doloribus et cruciatibus diutioribus torquentur, et apud eos tandem multo minus remanet, nam antequam doli exstirpati sunt, qui intrarunt naturalem eorum indolem, et composuerunt, longum est tempus cum cruciatu, nam antequam ea sunt vastata, interior homo operari nequit, sunt enim intermedia inter interiorem hominem, et exteriorem, priusque {a} intermedia sunt aptata, non potest per interiorem eorum operatio fieri.

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