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《灵界经历》 第2568节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2568

2568. Certain souls also come only a short time after their death among those spirits, namely, souls who had been deceitful in the world and had obviously very energetically concealed their motives, and to themselves had purposed no other goals than those described, as if speaking to and coaxing themselves to look out for and gratify no one but themselves, thus scorning companions and the common good in comparison with themselves. The rest enter that realm later. 1748, 8 July.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2568

2568. Certain souls, a short time after death, also came amongst them, who, to wit, in the world have been deceitful [dolosi], and have openly [manifestius] and with all their might [fortius] kept ends out of sight, and have proposed to themselves no other ends than such [as have been mentioned]: thus, as it were, have they spoken in themselves and have persuaded [themselves] that none ought to aim at anything but self, and to indulge [nothing else]; thus entirely hold in slight estimation their companions and the common [good] in comparison with themselves. Others of a more serious mind enter that sphere. (The rest enter that sphere in a more serious frame of mind.) - 1748, July 8.

Experientiae Spirituales 2568 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2568. Quaedam animae, post parum temporis a morte, inter eos quoque veniunt, qui nempe in mundo dolosi fuerunt, et occultarunt fortius et manifestius fines, et qui sibi proposuerant non alios fines, quam tales, sic [ut] in se loquuti quasi ita, et persuaserint, quod nulli nisi sibi studere debeant et indulgere, ita socios, et commune prae se prorsus vilipendentes. Caeteri serius in sphaeram istam intrant. 1748, 8 Julius.

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