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《灵界经历》 第257节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 257

257. Self-procured belief, however, or a believing one seeks to impose upon oneself, is not worth anything, but only a belief inspired, given, as if poured in, by God the Messiah. For a faith procured for oneself from one's own imaginings, is only illusion, and does not ascend.

But here there should come several observations, such as how a person can know that belief has been given by God the Messiah; and very many other points.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 257

257. Faith, however, embraced by man in such a manner that he intends to prescribe his own faith, effects nothing, but [only] that faith which is insinuated, given, and as it were, infused by God Messiah. For to acquire faith by oneself, from one's own imagination, is only a phantasy which does not ascend. But here arise some things to be observed, as, how man can know that faith is given by God Messiah, and very many other things.

Experientiae Spirituales 257 (original Latin 1748-1764)

257. Fides autem ab homine capta, sic ut fidem sibi imperare intendat, hoc nihil facit, sed fides a Deo Messia insinuata data, et quasi infusa; nam fidem sibi sumere 1

ex proprii imaginatione, est solum phantasia, quae non ascendit; sed hic aliqua observanda veniunt, sicut quomodo homo scire possit, quod fides a Deo Messia data sit; et perplura alia.


1. The Manuscript has sumerre

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