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《灵界经历》 第256节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 256

256. Belief in God the Messiah joins the very innermost or deepest things with the very outermost

When I was in the cherubic realm [255], I was given to understand that the angels there do not know what is going on in the last heaven, unless, by the mercy of God the Messiah and by the presence of God the Messiah Himself through belief, communication is effected with those in that last heaven, thus enabling [the angels in the cherubic realm] to become aware of and to perceive it.

I have been permitted to understand this fact, due to the mercy of God the Messiah. For except when I was concentrating my inner gaze upon God the Messiah Alone, I received word from them that then they knew nothing about what was going on in the realm below them, and about what I was thinking.

Therefore, belief in God the Messiah, [coming] from Him through the innermost and the very inward heaven into the realm of humankind, is the very thing that joins and associates all things together, from the Most High even down to the most low.

Without belief in God the Messiah, inward elements would be torn away from the more inward ones, and would therefore perish. 1747, the 20th day of November (old calendar).

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 256


When I was in that cherubic sphere it was then given me to know that those in that sphere who are angels do not know what is taking place in the ultimate heaven, except when there is communication with them by the mercy of God Messiah and by the presence of God Messiah Himself with them through faith, so that they can know and perceive it. It was also granted me to know this, by the mercy of God Messiah, for when I fixed my internal intuition on God Messiah alone, it was then said to me from thence that thus they knew something of what was going on in the sphere beneath them, and what I was thinking. Wherefore faith in God Messiah, and from Him through the inmost and the more interior heavens into the sphere of man, is what conjoins and consociates all things, from the Supreme even to the lowest things. Without faith in God Messiah things interior would be torn away from those more interior, and so would perish. 1747, Nov. 20, o.s.

Experientiae Spirituales 256 (original Latin 1748-1764)

256. Quod fides in Deum Messiam conjungit intima cum extimis

Cum essem in sphaera cherubina [vide 255], tunc scire mihi datum, quod ii qui ibi sunt angeli, non sciant, quid in coelo ultimo peragitur, nisi communicatur, per misericordiam Dei Messiae, ac per Ipsius Dei Messia praesentiam per fidem, cum iis, ut sic cognoscere et percipere possent, quod etiam mihi scire ex misericordia De Messiae concedebatur: quin dum 1

in Solum Deum Messiam intuitum internum figerem, tunc inde mihi dicebatur, quod sic nihil scirent, quid perageretur in sphaera infra eos, et quid cogitarem, quare fides in Deum Messiam ab Ipso per intimum et intimius coelum, in homini sphaeram, est quae conjungit et consociat omnia Supremo, usque ad infima; absque fide in Deum Messiam forent interiora abrupta ab intimioribus, et sic perirent 1747, die 20 Nov. st. v.


1. hoc est nisi

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