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《灵界经历》 第2573节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2573

2573. As regards those who had faith, however, they after death are not lifted up into that realm, even though they could be guided into that realm immediately, as I have been allowed to learn from clear experience, but they are taken care of by the Lord differently. They are kept in a realm below them, so that they do not understand nor plainly perceive them, and this until they have been given outer qualities by the Lord that interact with the intentions or inclinations of the angels, and befit the society of upright spirits in that same realm. Then they are lifted up from the outer life to that inward life of spirits and can enjoy their company, and thus interact with angels, who all are led directly, and some very directly by the Lord, enjoying every happiness, with unlimited, ineffable variety. 1748, 9 July.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2573

2573. But as respects those who have been in faith, these after death are not elevated into that sphere, although they can be immediately brought in that sphere, as is granted me to know from man's past experience. But the Lord counsels otherwise for them. They are kept in the sphere beneath those [interior spirits], so that they may not understand, nor plainly perceive them; and this, till externals are given them by the Lord, which may correspond to the intentions or inclinations of the angels, and are adapted to the society of the upright in the same sphere. Then are they elevated from an external life to the interior [life] of those spirits, and can enjoy their company, and so correspond to the angels, who are all led by the Lord immediately or more immediately, and enjoy all unspeakable felicity, with indefinite variety. - 1748, July 9. [Marg. Note: "obs."]

Experientiae Spirituales 2573 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2573. Quod autem eos attinet qui in fide fuerunt, ii post mortem, in eam sphaeram non elevantur, tametsi possint statim in sphaeram istam perduci, sicut ab experientia manifesta mihi scire datum est, sed iis aliter a Domino consulitur 1

, tenentur in sphaera infra eos, sic ut eos non intelligant, nec manifeste percipiant, et hoc eousque dum externa iis data sunt a Domino, quae correspondeant intentionibus seu inclinationibus angelorum, et adaptata sint societati proborum in eadem sphaera, tunc elevantur ab externa vita, ad interiorem eam spirituum, et frui possunt consortiis eorum, et sic correspondere angelis, qui omnes immediate et immediatius ducuntur a Domino, et omni felicitate, cum indefinita varietate, ineffabili, fruuntur. 1748, 9 Julius.


1. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has consuluntur

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