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《灵界经历》 第2574节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2574

2574. Those who are in the inward realm of the world of spirits use those spirits who are in the outward realm, just as they are accustomed in bodily life when speaking to use the outer realm for thinking and speaking, so there is hardly any other difference except that there they are distinct spirits. In the life of the body, although they are likewise distinct spirits, yet they appear to people as one, or as one in charge, working lower down in a befitting manner, so that they are almost in them, as they also told me. For they put the earthly human being on themselves, although we do not know that we are not speaking on our own. Hence it follows that they put on the very person because they put on the lower spirits nearby, who think they are the person.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2574

2574. Those who are in the interior sphere of the world of spirits use those spirits who are in the exterior sphere, as they are wont in the life of the body, when they speak, to use the [an] exterior sphere for thinking and speaking, so that there is hardly any other difference than that these spirits are distinct. In the life of the body, although the spirits are likewise distinct, yet they appear to them, as it were, a one, or as if a one commanded; the inferior acting in accordance, so that they are, as it were, in them, as they also said to me; for they clothe themselves with [put him on] [induunt eum] themselves; though he does not know other than that he speaks from himself Hence it follows that they clothe themselves with the man himself because those spirits are with [apud] him, as suppose themselves to be the man.

Experientiae Spirituales 2574 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2574. Qui in sphaera interiori mundi spirituum sunt, ii utuntur iis spiritibus qui in sphaera exteriori, sicut [hi] solent in vita corporis {a} cum loquuntur, uti exteriore sphaera ad cogitandum, et loquendum, sic ut vix alia differentia sit, quam quod ibi distincti spiritus sint; in vita corporis, tametsi similiter distincti spiritus, tamen apparent iis quod sicut unum, aut sicut unum imperans, inferius convenienter agens, sic ut sint quasi in iis, sicut etiam mihi dicebant, nam induunt eum sibi 1

, tametsi is nesciat aliter ac is ex se loquatur, inde sequitur quod induant ipsum hominem, quia spiritus inferiores {b} apud eum, qui putant se hominem esse.


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