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《灵界经历》 第2576节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2576

2576. What is meant by their learning wars in the Word [cf. 2 Sam. 22:35, Ps. 18:34, 144:1], and why they undergo temptations

There are very many reasons why the faithful have to bear persecutions and temptations. Let me now mention only one that I was just allowed to learn, namely, so that, because there is such a great multitude of evils, especially in the inward realm, they may learn that they exist; and because the Lord wills to govern all things down to the very least according to order, so that the faithful may be able to resist them, thus so that there may be equilibrium. For the evil continually attack, and the faithful resist, not resisting from their own power, but from the Lord. 1748, 9 July.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2576


There are very many reasons why the faithful must needs sustain persecutions and temptations: I will mention only one, which it was now given to learn; that [it is] because there is such a multitude of evil spirits, especially in the interior sphere, as they can learn to be the case, and because the Lord wills to govern each and all things according to order, so that thus they may be faithful in the state of resisting them, so that there may be an equilibrium; for the evil continually assault; the faithful resist; not resisting from themselves, but from the Lord. - 1748, July 9.

Experientiae Spirituales 2576 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2576. Quid significet quod discerent bella, in Verbo [cf. II Sam. XXII: 35; Ps. XVIII: 34, CXLIV: [1], et cur tentationes subeant

Sunt perplures causae, cur fideles sustinere debeant persecutiones et tentationes, nunc modo unam, quam discere nunc dabatur, memorem, quod 1

quia tanta multitudo malorum sunt, imprimis in sphaera interiore, ut discant quod sint, et quia omnia et singula secundum ordinem gubernare vult Dominus, ut sic sint fideles in statu resistendi iis, sic ut aequilibrium sit, nam mali continue oppugnant, fideles resistunt, non resistendo ex semet, sed a Domino. 1748, 9 Julius.


1. legerim nempe

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