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《灵界经历》 第2577节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2577

2577. About the spirits of the inward realm

When license is yielded to the evil ones in that realm to behave according to their intentions, then they contrive countless inventions, and indeed so profane and filthy that a person on earth cannot conceive that such things exist. For when that condition prevails among them, then whatever object occurs they turn into inventions matching their state, and furthermore, anything whatever that they notice to be opposed or contrary to the upright, they seize upon, and turn upside down, corrupt into filthy inventions and schemes, something their intentions concocted to be shuddered at, that I am not permitted to publish because of its filthiness.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2577


When license is allowed to those evil [spirits] in that sphere to act according to their intentions, then there are innumerable inventions, and indeed so profane and loathsome, that man can never conceive there are such; for when such [a license] prevails among them, then whatever object is given they turn it into inventions similar to their state, besides which, whatever is noticed to be opposed, or contrary to the upright, this they seize hold of and turn into loathsome inventions, and machinations, [and] invert, [and) pervert [it], as if it were a certain horrid thing, not commonly permitted on account of its foulness, which was devised by [their] intentions.

Experientiae Spirituales 2577 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2577. De interioris sphaerae spiritibus

Quando malis licentia laxatur, in sphaera ista, agendi secundum intentiones suas, tunc innumerabiles sunt inventiones, et quidem tam prophanae et foedae, ut nusquam homo cogitare possit, quod tales sint; nam cum regnat tale apud eos, tunc quodcunque objectum datum, in inventiones vertunt statui eorum similes, praeter quod quicquid usquam animadvertitur quod probis oppositum est, seu contrariatur, hoc arripiunt, et in foedas inventiones, ac machinationes vertunt, invertunt, pervertunt, sicut horrendum quoddam, quod vulgare ob foeditatem non permittitur, quod intentiones machinatae sunt.

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