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《灵界经历》 第2581节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2581

2581. Conversations of angels on certain matters come down to lower spirits as portrayals of cities

Early this morning when I was in a state almost midway between waking and sleeping, several objects slipped into my thought, such as a lyre and other musical instruments, and at the same time I was thinking of cities, so that those thoughts were joined with the image of cities. When I awoke a little, I was told that conversations of angels about similar objects came down with spirits into mental images of cities, as the spirits also affirmed.

And indeed, an unbroken conversation of angels about one thing such as a lyre or other instruments is only presented to spirits simply as the idea of a city, without variation, which shows also how many things there may be with the angels that present to the lower spirits just the one idea of a city. So a conversation among angels dealing with spiritual things is turned into a mental image of cities and such, and one dealing with heavenly things into one of animals and the like. 1748, 10 July.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2581


This day, in the morning, in a state nearly intermediate between waking and sleeping, there were some things which slipped into my thoughts; for instance, a lute, and other musical instruments, and at the same time I thought of cities, so that those thoughts were [together] with the idea of cities; when [I was] slightly awake, it was told me that the conversations of the angels concerning the like fell into ideas of cities amongst the spirits, which was also affirmed by the spirits; and indeed the continued speech of angels concerning one thing, as concerning a lute or other thing, is only presented to spirits simply as the idea of a city, without variety; from which may also be apparent how many things there are among the angels which present but the one idea of a city amongst in inferior spirits. Thus that which with the angels concerns spiritual things, is turned into the idea of a city and the like, and that which [relates] to celestial things [is turned] into [the idea] of animals and the like. - 1748, July 10.

Experientiae Spirituales 2581 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2581. Quod loquelae angelorum de certis rebus, cadant apud spiritus inferiores in repraesentationes urbium

Hodie matutino tempore [cum] in statu fere medio inter vigiliam et somnum [essem], erant aliqua quae in cogitationem meam illapsa, sicut cithara, aliaque instrumenta musica, et simul cogitabam 1

urbes, sic ut cogitationes istae cum idea urbium essent; cum paulo vigil, dicebatur mihi quod loquelae angelorum de similibus apud spiritus in urbium ideas cadebant, quod etiam spiritus affirmabant; et quidem loquela continens angelorum de una re sicut de cithara, aliave, modo sistatur spiritibus simpliciter sicut urbis idea, absque varietate, ex quibus constare potest, quoque quam multa sint apud angelos, quae unam solum ideam urbis apud spiritus inferiores sistant; sic apud angelos quod de spiritualibus agitur, in urbium ideam et talium vertatur, et quod de coelestibus, in animalium et similium. 1748, 10 Julius.


1. The Manuscript has cogibam

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