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《灵界经历》 第2580节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2580

2580. An effigy was shown to me in broad daylight when my eyes were open, of how they finally become in the sight of the upright, namely that their faces are worse than that of a corpse, with horrible cavities, bony, of a very dirty bluish brown, cadaverous color. They are unable to think anything at all, being dead to themselves, tormented by anxiety. 1748, 9 July.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2580

2580. (Their effigy was shown me, in clear day, with eyes open, of what quality they at last become to the sight of the upright, to wit; that their face is, as it were, an osseous substance, worse [looking] than a corpse, [and] with frightful cavities [lacunis], the color of a most ugly, livid brown, [and] cadaverous [hue]. They are not able to think at all, are dead to themselves, [and] cadaverous [hue]. They are not able to think at all, are dead to themselves, [and afflicted] with the torments of anxiety. - 1748, July 9.)

Experientiae Spirituales 2580 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2580. Ostensa est mihi effigies eorum, clara die, apertis oculis, quales nempe tandem fiunt, ad visum proborum, nempe quod facies eorum, pejus mortuo, cum lacunis horrendis, sicut osseum, coloris turpissime lividi, brunei, cadaverosi, nihil usquam cogitare potentes, sibi mortui, cum cruciatu anxietatis. 1748, 9 Julius.

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