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《灵界经历》 第2585节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2585

2585. In the spiritual world there are states of mind that are most unknown to mankind

I was enabled today, as also earlier, to experience several states that are entirely unknown to mankind, and indeed, many of them ineffable, and if one should attempt to form any idea of them by words, they would still be entirely unintelligible, consequently unbelievable. For example, from a scientific truth alone an entire state of affection can be formed, or one in which the affection is dominant and there is more or less of truth. Nor indeed can states like these be communicated to those who lack truth regarding earthly subjects and truth regarding spiritual subjects. Hence it is also clear that unlimited varieties of these states exist.

[2585 1/2.] Since such ineffable and completely unintelligible states of delights exist in the inward spiritual world, what must there not be in the inward heaven, from which these states have their nearest origin and where each state exists with unlimited variety? For the least thing in the spiritual world that appears as a single unit consists at a deeper level of an unlimited number of such varieties, in fact each variety having its own unlimitedness of composition.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2585


Today it has granted me to experience some states, like as previously [I had experienced] some, which are entirely unknown to men, and indeed many of them ineffable; and if it should be endeavored to form any idea [thereof] by words, yet [would they be] wholly unintelligible, therefore incredible, so that only from a scientific tone [principle] can be formed the integral state of the affection, wherein reigns either affection, or more or less of the true; yea, similar states may be communicated to those who are not in the truth of natural things, and are in the truth of spiritual things. Hence, it may also be evident that these states are with indefinite variety. Since such ineffable and never comprehensible states are given in the interior spiritual world, what [is not given] in the interior heaven, from which such states have their proximate origin, and there everyone is with indefinite variety; for the least thing in the spiritual world which appears as one exists in the interior degree from an indefinite of such things, yea, every variety has its indefinite.

Experientiae Spirituales 2585 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2585. Quod in mundo spirituali status sint, qui ignotissimi hominibus

Aliquos status hodie experiri mihi datum, sicut etiam prius aliquos, qui prorsus ignoti sunt hominibus, et quidem plures eorum ineffabiles, sique aliquis idea per voces formari tentaretur, usque tamen prorsus inintelligibiles 1

, proinde incredibiles [essent], sic ut solum ex scientifico vero formari possit integer status affectionis, in quo vel {a} affectio regnat, et plus aut minus verum, imo nec similes status iis possunt communicari, qui non in veritate rerum naturalium, et in veritate rerum spiritualium sunt; quod hi status sint cum indefinita varietate, inde quoque constare potest.

2585a. Cum tales status ineffabiles, et nusquam intelligibiles delitiarum, dentur in mundo spirituali interiori, quid 1

non in coelo interiori, ex quo tales status proximam suam originem habent, et ibi unusquisque est cum indefinita varietate? nam minimum in mundo spirituali, quod sicut unum apparet, in gradu interiori ex indefinitate talium, existit, imo quaelibet varietas suam indefinitatem habet.


1. The Manuscript has intellegiles

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