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《灵界经历》 第2588节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2588

2588. This also makes it clear that every least mental image a person on earth or a spirit has when thinking, and even more when speaking, has its corresponding interacting state in the inward heaven, and the thought and speaking of that heaven its interacting state in the very inward heaven, and the thought and speaking of this heaven likewise its interacting state in the innermost. So every single mental image is some affection or general state of feelings in the inward regions. Otherwise no thinking would ever have been able to come forth and be alive. 1748, 13 July.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2588

2588. Hence it may also be manifest that every least idea in man and in spirit when he thinks, still more when he speaks, has its corresponding state in the interior heaven, and the thought and speech of this one, or [of both of] these [its corresponding state] in the interior heaven, and again the thought and speech of this one [its corresponding state] in the more interior heaven. Wherefore, every idea is a certain affection, or common [general] state of affections, which are in interiors - otherwise never could any thought have existed or lived. - 1748, July 13.

Experientiae Spirituales 2588 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2588. Exinde quoque constare potest, quod unaquaevis minima idea in homine, ac in spiritu, dum cogitat, magis cum loquitur, suum statum correspondentem habeat in coelo interiori, et hujus seu horum cogitatio et loquela [suum] in coelo intimiori 1

, et hujus item 2

cogitatio et loquela [suum], in coelo intimo 3

; quare unaquaevis idea est affectio quaedam, seu status communis affectionum, quae 4

in interioribus; aliter nusquam potuisset ulla cogitatio existere, et vivere. 1748, 13 Julius.


1. The Manuscript has interiori

2. nisi legendum cum in J.F.I. Tafel's edition iterum

3. The Manuscript has intimiori

4. The Manuscript has qui

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