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《灵界经历》 第2597节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2597

2597. They are often expelled from heaven

It occurs very often every day that certain ones are expelled from heaven and reduced to lower spirits. Some of them spoke with me after having been expelled. The reason is that they embrace some falsity and therefore when among those who embrace the truth, they cannot help being distressed, because at once the truth of others and of the whole heaven, in common and individually in the society where they are, presents itself. Therefore, unless they withdraw - and then they seem to themselves to be expelled and to slip down, or fall down - they cannot but be gravely tormented.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2597


This takes place very often and daily that certain spirits are expelled from heaven and brought back to the inferior spirits. Certain of them talked with me after they had been expelled. The reason is that they are in some falsity; wherefore when they are amongst those who are in truth, they cannot be otherwise than distressed, because immediately the truth of others and of the whole heaven in general and singular, in the society where they are, runs together as it were, wherefore unless they withdraw they cannot but be grievously tormented; then they seem to themselves to be expelled and to slide down or fall down.

Experientiae Spirituales 2597 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2597. Quod exterminentur saepe ex coelo

Hoc saepissime et quotidie existit, quod quidam e coelo exterminentur, et reducantur ad spiritus inferiores, quidam eorum mecum loquuti sunt, postquam exterminati, causa est, quod sint in aliqua falsitate, quare dum inter eos, qui in veritate sunt, non possunt aliter ac angi, quia illico veritas aliorum et totius coeli, in communi et singulari, in societate ubi sunt, quasi occurrit, quare nisi secedant--et 1

tunc videntur sibi exterminari et delabi, seu decidere--non 2

possunt, quin crucientur graviter.


1. The Manuscript has secedant, et tunc

2. The Manuscript has decidere, non

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