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《灵界经历》 第2598节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2598

2598. The reason they are so often expelled and sent back among lower spirits, to whom they are then entirely similar, is that when a spirit is elevated into heaven - which also happens every day, and in great number - then those who have not been guided through many states so as to be able to associate with many spiritual and heavenly states, when they come into a spiritual or heavenly state into which they have not been initiated by the Lord, they are absorbed in falsity, so they fall down and are initiated into those states also.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2598

2598. The reason that they are so often expelled and again put among inferior spirits, to whom they are then entirely alike, [is] because when a spirit is elevated into heaven, which also happens daily and in great numbers, then those who have not been brought through many states, so as to be able to be in many spiritual or celestial states, when they come into such a spiritual or celestial state as they have not been initiated in by the Lord, then are they in falsity, wherefore they fall down and are also initiated in these states.

Experientiae Spirituales 2598 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2598. Causa quod tam saepe exterminentur, et inter spiritus inferiores remittuntur, quibus tunc prorsus similes sunt, [est,] quia dum spiritus elevatur in coelum, quod etiam quotidie fit, et magno numero, tunc ii qui non per plures status perducti sint, sic ut in multis statibus spiritualibus aut coelestibus interesse possunt, dum veniunt in talem statum spiritualem seu coelestem, in quem initiati non sunt a Domino, tunc in falsitate sunt, quare decidunt, et initiantur quoque iis statibus.

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