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《灵界经历》 第260节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 260

260. About the man not invited to the banquet, and not dressed in a wedding garment, who was cast out [Matt. 22:11-14]

Today a certain evil spirit appeared to me who thought that he had risen up into the very inward heaven, because he had lifted himself very high overhead and wanted to stir up trouble there by diverting belief from God the Messiah and transferring it to himself. Thus he wanted to exalt himself even unto God the Messiah, and claim His power to himself - not knowing that he was only in the last heaven, where evil spirits are still dwelling. This fact was shown to him pictorially, but to no avail; for he went on with his wickedness.

But because this person was an evil spirit, he had to be dealt with by means of symbolic displays, or mental imagery. Therefore, truth was wrapped around him symbolically, whereupon he was cast out, and he shouted that he was being greatly afflicted, begging to be released from that place.

This is what must be suffered by those who contemplate arrogating to themselves power over the faith [of others] - especially when this effort is the result of more than mere simplicity. 1747, the 20th day of November (old calendar). In his distress he said that he had been instigated to doing this by the diabolical gang.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 260


Today there appeared to me a certain evil spirit who supposed he had ascended into the more interior heaven, by having raised himself higher above the head; and there he wanted to excite disturbances by taking away faith in God Messiah, which he wanted to transfer to himself, and so to raise himself even to God Messiah and claim to himself His power, not knowing that he was only in the ultimate heaven where evil spirits as yet dwell. This was shown of him by means of representations, but in vain: he persisted in his malice. But because he was an evil spirit he had to be dealt with by representations, or by imaginary appearances. Wherefore truth was wrapped around him representatively; he was expelled therefrom, and he shouted out that he was being greatly afflicted, begging to be released. In this way ought one to feel concerning those who think they can assume to themselves the power to implant [faith], especially when this does not come from pure ignorance. 1747, Nov. 20, o.s. He said in his affliction that he had been instigated to do this by the diabolical crew.

Experientiae Spirituales 260 (original Latin 1748-1764)

260. De non invitato ad convivium, et non induto 1

vestibus convivii, ejecto [cf. Matth. XXII.. 11-[14]

Hodie apparuit mihi quidam malus spiritus, qui putabat se ascendisse in coelum intimius, per id quod altius se efferret super caput, et ibi turbas excitare voluit, derogando Deo Messiae fidem, quam in se transferre vellet, et sic se extollere usque ad Deum Messiam, ac Ipsius potestatem sibi vindicare; non sciens quod esset modo in coelo ultimo, ubi spiritus mali adhuc habitant, quod ei per repraesentationes ostensum est, sed incassum, perrexit in malitia; sed quia spiritus malus esset, cum eo per repraesentationes seu imaginationes agendum erat, quare ei circumdabatur repraesentative veritas, inde ejectus est, et vociferabatur, quod magnopere affligeretur, petens ut inde solveretur; ita sentiendum de iis, qui potestatem in fidem sibi assumere putant, cumprimis quando id a pura ignorantia non venit. 1747, die 20 Nov. st. v. In afflictione sua dicebat quod instigatus ad id faciendum esset a turba diabolica.


1. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has indutus

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