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《灵界经历》 第2601节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2601

2601. No one is driven by force or compulsion to serve the Lord

There are very many methods of forcing people on earth and spirits to acknowledge and worship the Lord, nor would anything be easier. There are restraints, and kinds and species of restraints, there are fears, there are joys, there are honors, there are all kinds of desires which could drive a person on earth or a spirit to acknowledging the Lord. What fears accomplish in them is obvious enough, and also what honors achieve, and when they are brought into a state of joy, then all want to acknowledge the Lord and adore Him.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2601


There are very many means of compelling men and spirits to acknowledge and worship the Lord, nor is anything more easy; there are bonds and genera and species of bonds; there are fears, there are joys, there are honors; there are all cupidities that [can] compel man and spirit to acknowledge the Lord: of what avail are fears may be sufficiently evident, as also of what avail are honors, and when they are put into the state of joy then all wish to acknowledge the Lord and adore Him.

Experientiae Spirituales 2601 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2601. Quod nullus adigatur vi seu coacte ad serviendum Domino

Sunt perplura media cogendi homines et spiritus ad agnoscendum colendumque Dominum, nec quicquam facilius; sunt vincula, et vinculorum genera et species, sunt timores, sunt gaudia, sunt honores, sunt omnes cupiditates, quae adigere [possent] hominem et spiritum ad agnoscendum Dominum; quid timores praestent satis constare potest, tum quoque quid honores, et cum in gaudii statum mittuntur, tunc omnes agnoscere volunt Dominum, et Ipsum adorare.

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