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《灵界经历》 第2602节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2602

2602. But these are not means of persuading them internally, only means of enticing them. For as soon as they come into a different state in which something opposite or contrary occurs, they at once go back and do not acknowledge-in fact, they harbor hatred. Therefore, in order that acknowledgment and adoration may be inspired in anyone, and indeed inwardly, it must be a voluntary process. Then it becomes an inner conviction, which remains in many a state of mind, for without inner conviction, nothing at all remains, but is changed in each change of state. 1748, 14 July.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2602

2602. But these are not the means of persuading internally, they are only means of attracting; for as soon as they come into another state in which occurs anything of the opposite or contrary [principle] they immediately go back and do not acknowledge, yea, hold in hatred [the Lord]. Wherefore in order that acknowledgment and adoration may be insinuated, and indeed interiorly with man it is a voluntary thing, then comes internal persuasion, which remains in many states, for without internal persuasion nothing remains. But it is changed in every change of state. - 1748, July 14.

Experientiae Spirituales 2602 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2602. Sed haec non sunt media persuadendi interne, modo media alliciendi; nam illico dum in alium statum veniunt, in quo aliquid oppositi seu contrarii occurrit, illico abeunt, nec agnoscunt, imo odio habent: quare ut agnitio et adoratio insinuetur et quidem interius apud hominee, est voluntarium, tunc fit persuasio interna, quae manet in pluri statu, nam absque persuasione interna, non manet quicquam; sed muratur in qualibet status mutatione. 1748, 14 Julius.

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