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《灵界经历》 第2605节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2605

2605. That that truth is Divine was confirmed today from heaven, and in fact this rule, that a universal Providence cannot possibly exist without a providence of singulars; also, that such as it is universally, so it is in singulars. Therefore it is Divine in the most singular things far beyond number, at every level, from eternity to eternity, both in nature and within nature. The reply verifying this law was given to me from heaven by upright spirits, and the Law was confirmed. 1748, 15 July.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2605

2605. That this truth is divine is confirmed today from heaven, and also this rule, that a universal providence can never be given without a providence of singulars, also is of such a quality in singulars as in universal; wherefore the divine [providence is] in the most singular things, the most indefinite in every degree, from eternity to eternity, as well in nature as within nature. A reply concerning the truth of this law was given me from heaven by upright spirits, and the law confirmed. - 1748, July 15.

Experientiae Spirituales 2605 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2605. Quod veritas illa sit Divina, hoc confirmatum est hodie e coelo, et quidem haec regula, quod Providentia universalis nusquam dabilis sit absque providentia singularium, tum qualis est in universali, talis in singularibus, quare Divina in singularissimis, indefinitissimis, in quocunque gradu, ab aeterno ad aeternum, tam in natura, quam intra naturam. Responsum de veritate hujus legis, dabatur mihi e coelo per spiritus probos, et confirmata Lex. 1748, 15 Julius.

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