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《灵界经历》 第2612节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2612

2612. Aroused from sleep, I was allowed to speak with him who was in that delightful place where there was such pleasantness, or pleasant restfulness, and I saw that those live in that pleasantness who in the life of the body are content with few things, but are in the Lord, and that they constitute in the greatest body the back side of the thigh down to the back side of the knees, then toward the inward parts of the thighs, and they belong to the province of marriage love.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2612

2612. Having been aroused from sleep, it was granted to speak with him who was in that delightful place, where was such delight or delightful quietude, and I perceived that they are in such delight who in the life of the body are contented with few things but [are] in the Lord, and that they constitute in the Grand Man [Maximo Corpore] the back part of the thigh as far as the back part of the knees, also [the part] toward the interiors of the thighs, and pertain to the province of conjugial love.

Experientiae Spirituales 2612 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2612. Excitatus a somno loqui dabatur cum eo, qui in tam amaeno loco esset, ubi tanta amaenitas seu amaena quietudo esset, et percepi, quod ii in tali amaenitate sunt, qui in vita corporis paucis contenti sunt, sed in Domino, et quod ii in maximo corpore constituant partem posteriorem femoris, usque ad partem posteriorem genuum, tum versus interiora femorum, pertinentque ad provinciam amoris conjugialis.

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