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《灵界经历》 第2613节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2613

2613. I also saw that they had communication with the foot toward the heel, then toward the sole, which communication I was allowed to feel, so that that restful pleasantness spread toward the heel of the foot, or to the heel, spoken of in the book of Genesis [3:15, 25:26], and I believe elsewhere, just as there is also communication in the human of the side of the thigh with the heel, as is evident from the extension of the muscles and nerves. For there are nerves that are devoted to the province of marriage love stretching from the thigh downward to the heel. This nerve is meant that was dislocated in Jacob when he wrestled with the angel until daybreak [Gen. 32:24-25], and it was because of this that the descendants do not eat that part, or the dislocated nerve 1[Gen. 32:32], which is still more evident from the things subsequently seen by me, now being revealed to me from heaven.


1. NKJV has "the muscle that shrank."

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2613

2613. I also perceived [that they] have communication with the foot towards the heel [calcaneum], thus towards the sole, which communication it was granted me to perceive, therefore that the delight of that quiet extended down towards the heel [calcaneum] of the foot, or the heel [calcaneum], concerning which it is treated in the Book of Genesis, and I think elsewhere. In like manner also there is a communication in man of a part of the thigh with the heel [calcaneo], as may be apparent from the extension of the muscles and nerves; for the nerves, which are devoted to the province of conjugial love are those which extend from the thigh down to the heel [calcaneum]. This sinew [nervus] is signified [meant] which was luxated in Jacob's case when he wrestled with an angel till daybreak, and therefore [his] posterity do not eat that part or [the part] of the luxated sinew, which may be still more evident from the things which were seen by me in series. This is now manifested to me from heaven.

Experientiae Spirituales 2613 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2613. Communicationem quoque [eos] habere percepi cum pede versus calcaneum sic versus plantam, quam communicationem, mihi percipere dabatur, sic ut quietis illius amaenitas se extenderet versus calcem pedis deorsum seu calcaneum, de quo agitur in libro Geneseos [III: 15, XXV: [26], et ut reor alibi; sicut etiam communicatio in homine est partis femoris cum calcaneo, ut ex musculorum et nervorum extensione constare potest, nam nervi sunt qui dicati provinciae amoris conjugialis, qui se a femore deorsum extendunt ad calcaneum: hic nervus significatur, qui luxatus fuit Jacobo, cum is luctaretur cum angelo, usque ad ortum aurorae [Gen. XXXII: 24-25], et propter quam causam, posteri non edunt partem istam, seu luxati nervi [vers. [32]; quod magis constare potest ab iis, quae mihi visa in serie; hoc mihi nunc a coelo manifestatur.

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