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《灵界经历》 第2615节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2615

2615. When I had woken up, as said, in wakefulness I saw a kind of vat or threshing vessel such as vegetables are ground in, and by it there stood a man with a tool, who was packing into that vat human flesh. He was packing human beings into that vat, torturing and then killing them-throwing people into the vessel and beating them, as if they were vegetables to be mashed.

The man was doing this with great pleasure, and his pleasure was transferred by a method of communication that exists in the spiritual world, so that I would learn that he was committing this crime with the greatest pleasure. This was an opposite or hellish pleasure, and because it was opposite to the former, heavenly one, a dog appeared, so that they would be entirely kept apart and have nothing in common, or no communication.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2615

2615. (In my wakefulness, when, to wit, as said, I had awakened, there was seen by me a sort of tun or trituratory vessel, like those in which herbs are triturated, by which stood a certain man with an instrument wherewith he pitched into that tun human flesh, so that he pitched men into that tun by tormenting them, and thus killing them by casting into the tun men, and so by striking [beating] them as they are wont [to beat] herbs to macerate them. This the man did with great pleasantness, whose pleasantness by a mode of communication which takes place in the spiritual world was translated [transferred], so that I might know that he performed such a deed with the greatest pleasantness. This was the opposite, or infernal pleasantness, which because opposite to the former, or heavenly, the dog appeared in order that they might wholly be discriminated, and not have anything in common or any communication.

Experientiae Spirituales 2615 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2615. In vigilia, cum nempe, ut dictum, expergefactus eram, visa mihi erat tonna quaedam, seu vas trituratorium sicut ubi triturantur olera 1

, cui astitit vir quidam, cum instrumento, qui 2

in tonnam istam compingebat humanam carnem, sic ut compingeret homines in tonna ista, cruciando eos, et sic occidendo, injiciendo in tonnam homines, et sic percutiendo, sicut solent olera, quae maceranda; hoc faciebat vir cum magna jucunditate, cujus jucunditas per communicationis modum, qui fit in mundo spirituali, translata, ut scirem, quod cum maxima jucunditate tale facinus faceret; haec erat oppositum, seu jucunditas infernalis, quae quia opposita priori 3

seu coelesti, canis apparebat, ut prorsus discriminarentur, nec quicquam commune, seu communicationis haberent.


1. interlineale supra verba cui...instrumento

2. The Manuscript has instrumento qui

3. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has priora

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